By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Gun Motivator of the Day: Getting Ready for the First Date”
  1. Remember, once upon a time, along time ago, when parents feared Rock-in-Roll Music playing out of a Transistor Radio…….. 🙂

  2. Back in olden times when I was younger, I went to pick up my new girlfriend-to-be, Kelly, at her house for the first time. Her Mom met me at the door with a smile (ohmagosh she was such a hot Mom :)) and said Kelly would be right down, and to come in. We entered into the kitchen from the mudroom, and she turns to me and says, “Her Father wanted to talk with you first,” as she smiled apologetically and looked skyward.

    So, nervously, I peeked into the living room and called out “Mr. Kelly’s Father?”
    “C’mon in” he says.
    I go in and there he is.. on the couch, cleaning a shotgun. I smiled to myself, as it was such a cliche, and sat down across from him.

    “You know what this is?” he asks. “Yessir” I say.
    He asks, “You know what it means?”
    “Yessir; that’s a 20 gauge Remington. Tells me that you probably duck hunt with it, I’d guess.”

    He looked at me a second, stone faced. I’m sweating now; I don’t want to come off like an ass; his daughter is smoking hot and I want to date her!
    He smiles, then calls out to the ceiling, “Kelly! I like this kid; you’re going to be late for your date!”
    The ceiling shouted back “Dad! NO!”
    He looked at me, then motioned me to follow him downstairs to the basement, “C’mere, I want to show you my Grandfather’s Winchester; such a beautiful rifle. He supposedly rode every day with this tucked into a scabbard strapped to his saddle.”

    Kelly’s mother pats me on the shoulder, “Hah! Now you’ve done it,”

    /sigh 🙂 Good memories, good times, one of my favorite stories 🙂

  3. I have boys and girls. At least if one of my girls gets pregnant, I only have to deal with one boy. But my boys could be out sowing entire fields of oats at a time. Thankfully they all have good heads on their shoulders (so far).

  4. I’m sorry but I think this old meme is a little ridiculous. Hypothetically, if I really think that all men are planning to rape my daughter, why am I not routinely threatening my son with my 870 and ordering him not to have rape girls? Also, have I considered the possibility that my daughter actually WANTS to have sex with boys? This is sexist and stupid, and I won’t raise no sexist fools.

    1. I don’t know, maybe I’m just being a stereotypical humorless feminist and missing the joke, but seriously, come on.

      1. It is a joke…. you are not supposed to take it seriously. It plays on the well settled notion that no matter what, a girl will always be Daddy’s Girl (unless you are some sort of ultra don’t give a shit about your offspring type) and Daddy will wreak havoc on those who try to hurt her.
        Stereotypical? yes, but so what? Denying that we behave a certain way or have certain emotions just because we do not want to appear “modern” is stupid and dishonest.
        Plus girls these days are getting a kick out of these pics.

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