This is an interesting video. Take it to the 17:00 marker and watch Sylvia Longmire explaining the trace of US weapons into the Mexican Cartel’s hands. The tired slogan of the 70%-80%-90% of weapons used by the Cartels-blah-blah gets destroyed by her own words.

Ms. Longmire admits that the Mexican Authorities do not know how many guns have been confiscated, that guns have been rendered untraceable by removing the serial numbers and that guns have been obtained via the Mexican stocks. But that ain’t the problem, no sire, we are the problem because guns is a highly politicized issue in the United States.  At least she was straight enough to say that:

“We will never know with any certainty exactly what proportion of firearms and explosives and military grade weapons come from what parts of the world”

Go read this 2009 article in MSNBC (of all places) and then compare with the numbers given by the administration and do the math. Weapons traced to US “points of sale” might come to be in the single digit percentile.

But the myth of the iron pipeline to Mexico is too juicy to let go.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “Guns flowing to Mexico: United States is at fault but we do not have evidence.”
  1. Well we could just ask the administration how many guns they let into Mexico on purpose and at least we’d have that number as a solid. Think they’d go for that??

  2. It sure looks like the biggest arms trafficker that we can positively identify is the US government. There was around 2000 in F&F, but remember the sells them arms “for military use” all the time. The control of those guns in the Mexican military is about as good as a screen door. There was around a couple of hundred sent by the W administration, but they had embedded RFID chips, so they’re easy to trace.

    If you want to stop the flow of guns to Mexico, arrest the DOJ executive level. Or the whole executive branch of the government. Just sayin’…

  3. I don’t care if every last gun in Mexico came from the US, it’s still their people acting like murderous thugs. Arguing with their numbers doesn’t really accomplish much, the entire basis is wrong IMO.

  4. I love her comment that RPGs aren’t useful in urban warfare. That alone should disqualify her as an “expert.”

    Tagging guns with special metals so that they can be detected at the border? What a maroon!

  5. No joda! Mexico, more specifically, and their military and Federales are as corrupt as any government on the face of the earth. Even entertaining the thought in what they say (or lie by omission) is true is absurd. This would be like depending on Al Capone to properly report the cases of liquor he smuggled over the CA border. Not that I would trust much more after all this F&F obfuscation.

    “…and that guns have been obtained via the Mexican stocks”. I don’t quite understand this part. Are you referring to the large number of m-16/m-4’s and other arms the US gave or sold to MX and have been disappeared to the cartels?

    Good right up, Miguel.

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