From the unionized workers at Buzzfeed:

Buzzfeed isn’t journalism.

It’s a bunch of hard-Leftist Millenial hacks spawned in a fetid pool of swamp water from a website best known for cat memes.

Nobody wants to pay for the bullshit that they are peddling because you can get the same virtue signaling, grievance-mongering, dishonesty for free on countless other websites.

That this might be the last career in journalism that these people have is arguably a good thing.

Not to mention that many of us get laid off or have other setbacks and have to reboot our careers in new fields.  I’ve done it twice.

If I were prone to writing Buzzfeed style headlines, I’d title this piece:

“Entitled asshole Acela bubble internet pundits angry they are experiencing suffering that they dismissed for millions of people in flyover country.”

Fuck ’em.

These people need to go pump septic tanks or dig ditches for a while.  Something useful for society that is more in line with their skill set, or lack there of.

Maybe after doing some work harder than vomiting up a piece that form fits whatever progressive, identity politics bromides they learned in school to whatever current situation they have been assigned to write about, from the comfort of their tine, overpriced apartment, they will develop some empathy.

Or they have an industrial accident and get turned into a paste by some piece of heavy machinery because they arrogantly thought they knew what they were doing.

Either is fine by me.


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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Ha ha ha ha ha f**k ’em – Buzzfeed edition”
  1. I just visited that buzzfeed site in the UK, To be fair it doesn’t seem overly globohomo mainly just gossipy nonsense aimed at women, not like the BBC with the frizzy haired smiling black woman in every picture but a white hand holding the knife and all the other usual corny rubbish. Maybe buzzfeed is different in the USA.

  2. I propose we treat journalists like the endangered species they think they are. Put an ear tag on ’em, drop ’em naked in the Idaho wilderness and let them compete with the (reintroduced) wolves for food and territory.

  3. Clickbait Serfdom for those who thought they were going to move to New York and join the Literati Glamour set. Then would up living in overpriced closets and writing the literary equivalent of junk food.

    Which makes the fall of the smug little gits oh so sweet.

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