Someone should ask her why there are no species of camels, horses, or elephants native to North America and why most of the North American mega-fauna went extinct shortly after the arrival of humans.


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By J. Kb

17 thoughts on “History only began when the white man arrived”
  1. 27? I somehow doubt that. It reminds me of the EcoActivists down here that keep complaining about the Key deer and how they are only about a dozen left after they do their survey. Then we hear that 9 have been killed by cars through the year and when the next survey comes, they tally 15

    1. ExoActivists tend to be more comfortable in concrete jungles than any real wilderness, it’s no surprise they can’t track that well.

    2. Logic aside, the number is still a lie, as anyone who has paid attention to issues of this sort would know. That says to me that her self righteous conservationist pose is a fraud or she wouldn’t be so ignorant of a subject she pretends to care about. This link is pretty good. You can quibble about specific numbers, a little this way or that, but this is almost certainly the right ball park: Population minimum “just over 1000” 85 of which were in the wild, the rest in protected herds. 27 appears to be a number that was, as we Eastern rednecks say, pulled out of her ass. That haven’t let me on Twitter since a couple of months before the 2018 election when my account was terminated for “synthetic sharing” which is a fancy way of calling me a bot. But maybe some of you might want to post the link.

  2. Sssssssooooooo ALL the bison are descendants of those killed. BRILLANT deduction! Or in todays terms- DUH!!! And take a look at how many there is now. Yes we “white men” dam near cleaned out the bison. But we learned. I am so sick and tired of these self important LOSERS bleating about the environment and OMG the spotted dowwager owl is gonna be extinct!!! Theres more trees in America now than there was in George Washingtons days We the People do more now for the earth than ever (earth day I shoot trees,bbwwaahhhaaaaa)

  3. Less than thousand but a “still” a few hundred is the most common number I could find.

    There are not many “pure-blood” bisons left, so maybe the moonbat is referring to those.

    Not to endorse the large scale bison slaughter in any way but even “noble savages” killed of quite a few species.

    Also what drugs to I have to take to say looting a store now is ok because 180 years ago someone shot a dozens bisons?

    1. The same drugs you need to come up with the assertion that you and I need to pay money to some people because 250 years ago some other people of similar skin color were captured in Africa either by members of other tribes but the same color, or perhaps by Arabs, then sold to and transported across the ocean by traders from some random country, to a destination that may have been the British American colonies or may have been some other country entirely.

    2. One of the big methods the native tribes used to hunt buffalo was to stampede them over a cliff, then gather the choice cuts (livers, tongues), gorge on them, and leave the rest to rot.

  4. Which species of Bison is she talking about anyway?

    Bison georgicus, B. hanaizumiensis, B. latifrons, B. menneri, B. occidentalis, B. palaeosinensis, B. priscus, and B. schoetensacki all went extinct 2.6 million years ago (give or take a couple millennia) and most of them never lived in the Americas.

    Bison bonasus, or the European Wood Bison, isn’t found anywhere in the Americas (except in captivity) and was never reduced to such a low population. It is classified as a threatened species, but wild herds still exist in both Poland, Russia, and Belarus.

    Bison bison, or the American buffalo, never saw its population drop below 541. Currently, over 30,000 are found in the wild in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Plus about half again as many in captivity or domestic farms.

  5. I guess he forgot about the native pastime of stampeding bison off cliffs (to kill them) and then harvesting their tongues only.

    1. Maybe he thinks American Indians were vegans? I suppose we really shouldn’t bring up the Inuit, who count seals among their food sources (and sources of building materials, for that matter).

      1. In her twitter profile, she identifies herself as Yupiaq. So, odds are she actually does know about Inuit culture…

        1. Maybe. Take nothing for granted with these idiots. Some ‘identify as’ these cultures while only having a puddle-deep view of it.

          1. Obviously, this is the internet and all information should be taken with a grain of salt.

            However, the fact that she identifies as Yupiaq and also namechecks the Dena’ina and Ahtna in her profile lend some credibility to it. As does the number of people talking about local Alaskan issues in her comment threads… Seems highly unlikely she’s a suburban white girl play-acting.

            Still seems like an idiot who drank too much of the Marxist FlavorAid, but that’s never been limited to white folks.

  6. This is garbage history anyway. There were a LOT more than “27” bison left and from which modern bison are descended. Nor was it “just government” that preserved them: there were many private herds like that of Scotty Philips in South Dakota as well as the Yellowstone herd and others.

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