ANTIOCH, Tenn.- Some people in a Nashville neighborhood are furious over a new rule that makes it illegal to own a gun.

Residents in Nashboro Village said it’s unconstitutional and leaves them defenseless.

Two weeks ago, residents received a letter from their homeowners’ association indicating that guns are not allowed on the property.

via Community Suggests Gun Possession Is Illegal For Residents – | Nashville News, Weather & Sports.

The poor idiots are going to be sued into extinction if they are not tarred & feathered first.  But it gets better, apparently people complained and they changed their view somewhat and went full stupid:

Officials with Ghertner and Company, the property manager at Nashboro Village, would not make an on-camera comment about the gun policy but said they plan on changing the rule soon to allow firearms on the property.

However, they would make it illegal to fire those guns,

The will “allow”? They will “make it illegal”?  It would behoove the HOA leaders to take a day off, go visit the town of Athens (only a 2.5 hour drive westbound) and learn what happened there to some individuals that also got too big for their britches.

I am seriously reconsidering my plans of retiring in the Volunteer State. I am too old to be learning a new kind of stupid and how to deal with it.  Northern Florida is starting to look much better.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “Homeowners’ Associations: Where Liberal Legislators are born.”
  1. They need to read up on what happened in Delaware. I don’t think their rules would fly any better than the Wilmington Housing Authority rules did.

    And you’d be welcome here in the woods of East Texas. But I’d recommend Abilene or even Odessa, Tx. Fewer damn pine trees.

  2. Home Owners Association – are you surprised?

    These are too often run by self-righteous, ignorant busybodies with too much time on their hands and a desire to micro-manage everyone’s life. If you are stupid enough to buy property in a place that requires them, you should not be surprised when the idiots make your life miserable.

  3. Come to Kennesaw, where residents are required to have a gun in the household. Our Homeowners’ Association meetings take place at a block party/barbecue, where open carry is the rule.

    Oh, wait. Sorry, there are no homes for sale in my neighborhood at this time.

  4. If you are thinking of North East Florida (Jacksonville et al) come visit us at Gateway Rifle & Pistol Club.

    1. I had the pleasure of shooting there twice with FirstCoast IDPA. Awesome range and yes, you guys are a major reason why I wouldn’t mind moving up there.
      Blame Ed S. 🙂

  5. North FL would be wonderful if it wasn’t for all the Obummer voters starting around Orlando and sweeping down to the Keys. They’ll F it up for the rest of the state based on sheer numbers. I’m still TN bound.

  6. This is one example of why I go to great lengths to avoid livining under the dominion of a Homeowner’s Association. By and large, they are wholly controlled by bored and/or frustrated petty tyrants, whose primary feeling of self-worth is in bullying other people.

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