New York City is not the only east coast city where cops making an arrest get assaulted by a mob.

From the New York Post:

Video shows Baltimore sergeant getting attacked while making arrest

A viral video showing a Baltimore sergeant getting kicked by a group of onlookers while trying to make an arrest has been denounced as “appalling” as the city struggles to curb crime, reports say.

The violent encounter unfolded just before midnight late Friday night when the Baltimore cop, identified only as Sgt. Simpson, attempted to arrest a man who allegedly spat in the officer’s face, according to CBS’s 13 WJZ.

And the video:

That’s bad, but it’s to be expected.

Remember that in 2016 during the Freddie Gray riots in Baltimore, the mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake ordered police to “give those who wished to destroy space to do that”.

That only made the riots worse.

After this particular incident, the Baltimore Fraternal Order of Police called out the city’s government for their chronic mishandling of crime that caused this and for Baltimore to be America’s most dangerous city in 2019.

Here is how the State’s Attorney’s Office responded:

Note this bit:

Baltimore police are now fighting with the anti-cop mayor and State Attorney Marilyn Mosby.

Keep in mind Mosby with the prosecutor that was sued for malicious prosecution for her actions in the trial against the police involved in the Freddie Gray incident.

It’s clear that Mosby has it out for the police more than the criminals that attack the police when they are trying to make an arrest.

There is no way the police can continue to do their jobs in Baltimore under such circumstances.

Now that my sister no longer lives in that God-forsaken city, I say let the Left had its “no more cops” dream, and every Baltimore police officer should quit and apply for work elsewhere.

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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “How not to run a peaceful city – Democrats vs law enforcement in Baltimore”
  1. My thoughts exactly. All leo in that city should just walk out. Let the politicians take care of crime. Fukkin morons. These people are insane.

  2. It’s winter time. Wait until Summer.
    Didn’t they already lose several hundred officers after the Freddie Gray persecutions?

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