With one of this at every sanctioned match: The coolest port-a-potty. It even comes with A/C!
I checked out the website and their set up is way nice for those of us used to the blue plastic box.
The first club that gets one of this for a sanctioned match will forever be loved by Lady Shooters everywhere. Double if they don’t let guys use it.
Oh man. I thought this was going to involve something pink or condescending advice about shooting. But bathrooms, dude. BINGO.
I am married. I know pain and the female desire for a clean bathroom.
I do believe you are correct.
Why use a portapotty when you’ve got a perfectly good bush over there?
I’d kill to have one of those at work! South Texas heat + porta shitter + truckers = 🙁
Awesome! I’d love that
My first reaction was that this is a silly idea, but on second thought it’s actually pretty clever. Even the ‘cleanest’ port-a-potty is pretty bad, this would go a long way towards making visitors comfortable.
I was at an outdoor wedding a few months back that had something similar. You open the door and a blast of air-conditioned air hits you. Music plays softly as you cross the threshold. It is angelic compared to opening the door of a big blue box that has been sitting in the sun, on a 100+ degree day.