Plant one of these puppies in your front yard and not even the dumbest of looters will approach. Basically you are saying “Get off my lawn!” up to a thousand yards.
And yes, it is legal to own. And if I am not mistaken, no NFA rules apply.
Where a Hispanic Catholic, and a Computer Geek write about Gun Rights, Self Defense and whatever else we can think about.
Plant one of these puppies in your front yard and not even the dumbest of looters will approach. Basically you are saying “Get off my lawn!” up to a thousand yards.
And yes, it is legal to own. And if I am not mistaken, no NFA rules apply.
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.
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Wow, wow, wow. The perfect Christmas gift!
Imagine one mounted in a pick up truck. Cuban technical!
The problem is that they’re somewhere on the order of 40,000 dollars each.
No thanks, I could easily buy two M16 rifles for that much….
Yes but….. you gotta admit it looks cool 🙂
It might *look* neat, but there are MANY other firearms that are on my list. Hell, for those monies I could even pick up a couple of 1919’s.
I mean, even M2’s generally are under 20k each…
…and the cost per round of .45-70 Gov would be? If you can afford the gun, I guess you can afford the ammo…
It’s a rockstar’s paperweight…maybe I’ll find one at a garage sale someday…yeah…right.
That’s why the people who own these generally reload.
Realistically speaking you can often get lead damned cheap, powder is cheap too, and primers aren’t that expensive either. Figure the owner has a few thousand .45-70 cases, a progressive press, and casts his own bullets.
Realistically speaking, it’s probably cheaper to feed one of these than it is to feed most MGs.
Tip: replace the crank with a motor to improve accuracy…otherwise you’ll be yanking the breech up and down as you fire.
Tip: The BATFE would consider that to be manufacturing a machinegun.
The only functional difference between this and an M134 is the fact that the latter is powered by an electric motor rather than a hand crank.
Generally speaking, much as I dislike the NFA, the BATFE has actually drawn a relatively sane line here.
I still want one…so cool.
Does one have to dress in an old US Army blue uniform to use it… or is Victorian Red ok?
Kinda India & Zulu campaigns? I’d guess so, but bloody hot.