It seems up north they have very little consideration for the elderly.

It seems Pennsylvania is following NY in how to deal with the virus in Assisted Living Facilities.


HARRISBURG, Pa. (WJAC) — The Coronavirus pandemic is taking an especially deadly toll on state nursing homes and long-term care facilities.
Deaths from these places alone have accounted for 68.6 percent of all deaths in the state as of Tuesday, according to state data.
Yet the state is under increased scrutiny for their policies that some have argued has made the crisis worse.
This month a consortium of Mid-Atlantic newspapers under the USA Today Network detailed the policy in Pennsylvania and other states that’s ordering nursing homes to admit medically stable residents infected with the coronavirus.

Spotlight PA, a partnership between the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, and Harrisburg’s PennLive, also found evidence the Pennsylvania Department of Health drafted a quick strike plan to protect nursing homes in March, but never fully implemented it.

Critics argue state nursing home transparency is too little, too late

But of course, politicians in the know are special.

(Pennsylvania Health Secretary Dr. Rachel) Levine was asked by a reporter Tuesday about her mother being moved out of a long-term care facility, Levine said she was allowing the wishes of her 95-year-old mother to move from a personal care home to a hotel.

Here is yet another state that has three times more deaths in nursing homes than Florida, yet our response has been criticized by our local media and Governor DeSantis branded as useless and dangerous.  The same Media that has as only job to beat on our Governor has still to cover the immense deadly blunders happening in the “enlightened” states up north.  It is bad political business to do so and unfortunately the media has been good at its job driving the  good image of the governor and the state down.

Only one problem: DeSantis is not up for re-election in November.

I do hope he believes in payback and when the final national numbers come out regarding the Pandemic’s death, he gets worse than Trump during press conferences and destroy Journos live and in full color with Dolby Sound.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “I am begining to understand why people retire to Florida.”
  1. If Trump wins reelection, these politicians up north who created this policy should face criminal prosecution.

  2. It is simple to say stuff like let the elderly die, or it is too costly to treat that person’s disease.

    Right up until the person getting sentenced to death is your relative. Somehow, the leftists that advocate for peaceful end of life after 75 start taking extraordinary measure when it is their mom on the chopping block.

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