By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

14 thoughts on “I am not a hunter, but…”
  1. Those targets also appear to be in the Home Decor section of the store and on an end-cap for an aisle of bedding. Maybe I’ve been living in Portlandia too long, but that seems like an odd choice of bedroom furnishing.

    1. That reminds of a meme “You know you’re in the south…” and then there was a picture of high schoolers in a classroom and every one of them was wearing “realtree” camo jackets.

      Fashion is regional, I guess 😀

    2. I think it’s actually the adjacent hunting department in a,Wal-Mart but I’ve seen bedrooms done up in camouflage and trophies with a bow rack near the bed

      1. Look on the left-hand edge of the picture, you can clearly see a shelf tag for queen-size sheets and a box with some sort of sheet or duvet.

        I’ve spent enough time working retail to know that endcaps don’t necessarily match the contents of an aisle, but they’re usually pretty closely related.

        (And yes, I am giving this the full Zapruder film analysis, because if I have to spend another minute on election fuckery I will go mad.)

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