This just in… we are gonna die!

One of the comments I have been hearing is that New York is no longer showing big numbers of new cases (YAY!) while evil Trump and Bloody DeSantis are killing us. So I traipsed over the NYC Covid page (just the city, not the whole state) and it is true, their number of infected is down, but I also  found this interesting graphic.

Click to enlarge

And a bigger pic:

Click to enlarge.

The last day of data available, NYC showed a total of tests (positive and negative) of only 4,828. The same day, Florida showed 5,408 positives alone. They re-arranged the Florida Covid page so they are having issues with some data and I can’t find the daily number of total tested, but last time I checked it was giving an 11% of positive returns, so let’s go with that.  Once again if my math is not wrong, that would mean that on that day, the number of tests (positive and negative) presented to the Florida Department of Health were in the vicinity of 49,000.

Florida tested 10 times more people than New York.

Now think of this: Florida never had the amount of people concentrated to do the Protests like New York did, nor we are condemned to use the Subway or buses to move around. They better pray we are right and the infection rate does not translate to ICU bed need rate and deaths or otherwise they are about to get reamed again.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “I am not saying they are playing with the virus’ numbers…”
  1. So after all of them were ridiculing Trump for saying more tests = more positives, they quietly do what he said.

  2. I saw a comment that CDC has been lumping ant-bodies tests in with virus tests and if some one who is positive has weekly tests to see if they are free, that 2 or 3 extra tests is counted

    Fixing the numbers ?

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