By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

18 thoughts on “I am this close form shutting down this blog”
  1. Please don’t. This blog is far too valuable with regard to various insights/observations to do so. Especially in these times. Surly there must be a better hosting company for your website.

  2. If you shut down, I will certainly be at a loss for your insight, stories, facts, and opinions, both you and JKB.
    You have provided to me my first read of the day for many years.
    But, I can understand why you are so frustrated with the “cabal” of internet censors, who will post egregious lies by the left with not a whit of shame, but stomp on righteous American patriots at any whim or excuse — just because they can.
    Do what you have to do…
    And if you decide to shut down, be assured that your efforts have not been in vain.
    May God bless you and keep you and the missus in good health and prosperity!

  3. I agree with the others: please don’t close down. Your site is part of my daily reading.

    As for hosting, check out I’ve hosted there for a while and so long as you’re not sending out spam or doing something blatantly illegal, they’ll host you and only charge you for the resources you’re using.

    It’s not quite as DIY as a full VPS, but it’s also not a one click setup to install WordPress. I have a handy daily cron job running to keep WordPress up to date and avoid any security issues.

  4. Yes, please dont shut down unless you do something different. I only been readin this for a couple years but you and Mr J are like long distant friends who think like me. And most of the time it is YUGELY entertaining esp when yall go off on a good rant. Keep it up Sirs. Besides if yall shut down the bastards win and we cant have that

  5. Miguel,

    Without knowing the details – and more relevantly, not being blog-tech savvy – I can’t suggest any advice other than that above. If there is anything we can to do help, please let us know.

    But regardless … Thank you, and thanks to J.Kb, for all the time, effort, thought and attention you give to not only the articles, but for also reading and responding to what we scribble below.

    If you choose, or have, to shut down, I understand … it is your blog and your choice, and I would support your right to make it. But I would mourn the loss of your thoughts; as a community, we would be diminished.

    (And, besides, where else can one find facemask humor? No … seriously … don’t answer that. Please. 🙂 )

  6. If you have to, you have too. That being said, please don’t. This is one of the first sites I go to in the morning.

  7. I keep telling you ditch hg. It’s only good for getting hacked and hosting porn without your knowledge. Move to siteground and don’t look back. No affiliation or anything I just really like their service after moving myself from hg.

    1. Thanks, but the next step is $3K for three years and I refuse to be blackmailed.
      I had a nice chat rant with a Customer Service person who gave the usual “It is a plug in or the size of the photos” to which I already took care about 3-4 months ago doing and buying the shit they told me to buy .
      I told her straight that this shit felt like fraud and that I demanded that their experts pinpoint exactly what in WordPress is fucking with their precious servers so it can be fixed.

      Next thing, the site seems to be working just fine
      Not even an email confirming the chat

  8. Miguel, my offer still stands. I’ll set you up with private server for much less than they are charging you.

    Just let me know. You have my email.

  9. I’d sure hate to see yet another place I visit daily go away.. Maybe take a few days off and take breaks once in a while,, But fold up? I hope ya dont,.

  10. Noooooo!

    Best blog on the internet!

    Not the preferredethod in this day and age, but you could always go old-school and host from home. That has it benefits and drawbacks.

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