DeSantis got re-elected, turned most of Florida a solid Republican red and helped deliver 29 electoral votes for Trump. And I won’t even get into the how DeSantis weathered the COVID bullshit and kept the state into becoming a shithole.

Being better than him seem to be an unforgiving sin for Trump.

But when he insults DeSantis, he also insults those of us who voted for the governor.

As of right now, my next presidential ballot will not be check-marked for Trump if he is the one selected to run for President under the Republican ticket. If he stops behaving like a disgruntled carpetbagger and apologizes, I may reconsider.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

23 thoughts on “I believe I know why Trump hates DeSantis.”
  1. I keep saying that Trump is acting like a jilted ex-wife. The electorate left the older model for younger, hotter one, and the older one is just being a spiteful bitch. And yes, I want you know how Trump thinks he will win Florida after shitting all over the most popular governor in the state’s history.

    1. So you think Floridians are stupid enough to either not vote for Trump if he is the candidate or vote for any evil demoncrat instead? That doesn’t say much for Floridians.

      1. See? You went ahead and did a Trump: “If you don’t do what I like, you are stupid.”

        Trump is strong enough, he won’t need them stoopid Floridians anyway. I am sure this time he will get all of California’s electoral votes.

        1. Don’t put words into my post, please. I simply asked if you think Floridians are so stupid that they will not vote for Trump, if they can’t have DeSantis. You are saying something I did not say, shame. You are the one posting ‘if you don’t like my choice, you are stupid’, not me. So answer my question, please, So you think Floridians are stupid enough to either not vote for Trump if he is the candidate or vote for any evil demoncrat instead? Thank you.
          While I’m here, your governor is being controlled by Rove and Bush:

          As much as I hate Rove and Bush, I will vote for DeSantis if he is the nominee. Now that is the the perfect example of the lesser of two evils.

          1. “Don’t put words into my post, please. I simply asked if you think Floridians are so stupid that they will not vote for Trump,”

            And you keep calling us stupid simply because we do not like to be insulted for the good choices we made.

            I am sensing a pattern.

  2. My thinking on this subject is, that there is no way to reverse the national scene, it is in a death spiral descending rapidly. Therefore I don’t want the best governor Florida has ever had to enter into a no-win, futile political catastrophe. Even if he did win the presidency, there is no way he’d survive and achieve what he ran on. The level of corruption is greater than any of us are able to comprehend, at the national level. And the Global Elites have already planned for someone like DeSantis.
    I hope he just stays at the helm here in my state. No one can save the USA from a most certain tragic end. No one! It’s every state for itself right now in the fight against our enemy, which is the national government.
    I believe the corruption is so great, that Biden can stay hidden from the public eye for the entire campaign, and still win regardless of what the opposition does. If mail-in ballots were completely removed from the system, then and only then would I begin to think there might be a chance of defeating the leftist democrat party. Even then, the odds are not good.
    So let Trump continue his insane battle and let those who support him do so to the end. Trump is exactly what the opposition deserves. And with Trump there the leftists have to reveal who they are which only serves to prepare the states for the fight ahead. Trump still is the lesser of two EVILS.

  3. I disagree.
    Having grown up in the NYC metro area, I see Trump’s insulting behavior differently. It is ribbing, exaggeration, trash talking, etc… I do not see it as a deliberate attempt to cut down anyone he sees as a rival.
    Trump’s biggest issue (well aside from ego and a host of other big issues) is his mouth (or his tweets). He does not think that anyone else will take his statements as insults, because I do not think he sees them as insults. (And cue the thumbs down, and the responses telling me I am a moron.)
    Final note. I think voting against Trump, or any other politician because they have a big ego is not a very good reason. Frankly, I want my President to have a big ego. Would anyone want a President to think they are “just OK” at what they do?

    1. I agree w/ you. If you’ve watched him over the years, that’s what he does, he’ll ‘talk trash’ about someone then turn around and work w/ them to get things done. Good strategy? Not sure in this case because he’s pissing a lot of people off.

      I’ll vote for Desantis over him in the primary but would vote for him in the general if he wins.

    2. I want a president who is proud of his country; is willing to fight for it; wants to strengthen it; is capable of getting what needs done, done; and who knows (and respects) the limitations of the office. I also want one who at least has some idea of his own limitations.
      Beyond that? Being a “nice” guy is far down on the list.

      1. Being a nice guy is nice, but I haven’t seen much call for nice guys in politics for decades. I want a kickass, take names son of a bitch, for this country to have ANY chance of survival.

        1. “I want a president who is proud of his country; is willing to fight for it; wants to strengthen it; is capable of getting what needs done, done; and who knows (and respects) the limitations of the office. I also want one who at least has some idea of his own limitations.”

          Interestingly enough, that fits DeSantis better than Trump.

          1. What I really want is a statesman, not a politician.
            I also want a pony, and a plastic rocket… And I suspect I know which has a better chance of showing up on my doorstep.

    3. Wow, I was expecting a serious butt kicking for this comment.
      Yes, lots to dislike about Trump, but lots to like as well. Hated him as a candidate, loved him as President.
      Vote wisely my friends…

      1. If the general comes down to Trump v Biden. A vote for anyone other than Trump is a defacto vote for Biden. The time to stand for principles is the primary. The general is for survival.

        1. Wait, you still believe there will be fair elections? Has any of the last election shenanigans been corrected?

          Jesus can be in the ballot for the Republicans and Biden will still win. And I am including the fact that probably a lot of Democrats don’t want him or will vote for him.

          1. Nailed it. To say it another way, a cardboard cutout could run for the leftist democrat party against any republican and it would win, if the same tactics used by the leftist during the last election are used again, which as of today, would occur.

          2. I’m not quite ready to give up yet. Yeah, they’re gonna fraud the hell out of it, but let’s not help them do it. I like DeSantis BTW. I haven’t made a decision for the primary yet. But DeSantis isn’t even running…

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