By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “I believe in you, Chicago”
  1. Shame the cold weather will have a damper on the numbers.

    Could not happen to a nicer urban liberal shithole

  2. That’s apparently a projection for the year, not the total so far. According to, the only credible source for homicide figures (the city reclassifies homicides as “death investigations” when the numbers get too scary), the total as of today is 797. So it’s on track to break 850 or maybe 900, but it won’t get to 1,000 this year, barring a John Wick-movie-style bloodbath.
    You can hate Chicago all you want, but you should still get your facts straight.

    1. From the article: “As of Tuesday midday, the medical examiner’s office had recorded 1,009 murders — 100 more than this time last year.”

      I don’t know why Hey Jackass is reporting something different. The article doesn’t say the number is a projection.

  3. People’s Democratic Republic cities run by generations of Democrat Marxist cornholes gonna third world craphole, guaranteed.

  4. The 1,000 murders is for COOK County as a whole, not just Chiraq.

    I would trust the HeyJackAss! numbers for the city of Chicago.


    Black people made up 81 percent of homicide victims and Latinos made up nearly 15 percent, the medical examiner’s office said.

    81% + 15% = 96%. You Whites and Asians better step up your game! 4%? What is wrong with you?

    1. 1) That makes sense.

      2) I don’t care. I lived in a Chicagoland suburb. Arlington Heights, West Englewood, Jackson Park, all that urban sprawl is “Chicago” from a cultural standpoint. So some gang members from the south side shot some other gang members in the Village of Whatever and that doesn’t technically count as a Chicago murder because it happened on one block further south, I don’t care.

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