The Army’s Promised “Ike”Jacket Is Happening

Recently, USAFRICOM released this photo of Commanding General, Gen. Stephen J. Townsend, U.S. Army, wearing a prototype Ike Jacket as part of the World War Two-inspired Army Green Service Uniform. The optional item has been promised since the AGSU’s adoption along with a “bomber jacket.”

Last week, I saw MG Anthony Potts, PEO Soldier wearing one at DSEi in London but his aide kept him moving when I attempted to ask him about the jacket.

It’s happening; helpfully we’ll know the timeline soon.

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “I bet Ike is rolling over in his grave”
  1. In this case, the stature of the man makes the clothes.

    Once again, it seems, the left is confusing causality with correlation.

  2. One thing about Ike jackets. You’ve gotta be a stud to pull it off. Someone like Milley who probably hasn’t seen an APFT in a decade would look like Ralph Cramden in that jacket.

    Good thing the army figured out all their other problems . . . compromised/ineffective leadership, a massive purge that will push some of the most dedicated soldiers out, focusing on white rage and CRT instead of war fighting, massive incompetence in program offices.

    We’re about to enter an era that will make us long for the Clinton years.

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