Miguel sent me this:

Salih is a visceral Jew-hating, Muslim journalist living in the UK.

He likes to do things like spread an Al Jazeera created conspiracy theory that the Jews are undermining America’s and UK’s democracy.

According to Haaretz:

Israeli Research Center to Announce It Developed Coronavirus Vaccine, Sources Say
Scientists at the Biological Research Institute are making significant breakthroughs in understanding the virus, the sources say, but a long process of pre-clinical and clinical trials is to follow

So if he hates Jews so much that he’s rater have Coronavirus than an Israeli vaccine, I absolutely support that.  I hope he spreads it to his children, the others at his Mosque, their children, and so on.  I hope his death from repository failure is painful and I hope he experiences the unique suffering of watching his children die of Coronavirus first.

In fact, I hope this attitude is universal among Jew-hating Muslims and that Israel is the first to create a successful Coronavirus vaccine.

I want the Ayatollah to declare a fatwah against using the Israeli vaccine and to remind Muslims that they still need to go to Mosque and on Pilgrimage to Mecca and that Allah will protect them and if they do contract Coronavirus it’s the will of Allah.

When Israel starts to export their vaccine, I hope it’s marked with “Made in Israel” on the vial and every single member of BDS stands by their principles and boycotts Israeli made vaccines.

I’m going to be fourth in line, after my wife and kids, for the vaccine.

Jew-haters can take their chances, Inshallah.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “I completely support this Tweet 100%”
  1. I will be right behind you for the vaccine. I hope the Iranians keep licking their shrines, let their god protect them

  2. Well, they can certainly wait for the vaccine that is being developed in the muslim world.

    Oh…. wait….


    1. And, when the time comes to actaully get vaccinated, I am sure this idiot will completely forget about his tweet, and probably muscle to the front of the line.

      Just like all the Israeli hating “palestinians” that are seeing doctors and going to hospitals in Israel. And, voting. And, enjoying a country that doesn’t kill them because they are homosexual, etc…

      Just like any other bigot, their beliefs end at their wallet/health/freedoms.

  3. I just had to go and look at this idiot’s twitter stream.

    Typical of your average leftist, any criticism of his anti-Israeli vaccine tweet is deemed to be
    1. A death threat, or wishes for his death, and
    2. the product of an Israeli tweet bot farm.

    Just like every other leftist that is called out on their stupidity. Asserting that any criticism is the product of haters that want to see him dead.

  4. “I’d rather take my chances with the virus than consume an Israeli vaccine.

    — Roshan M Salih (@RmSalih) March 12, 2020”

    Buh-bye dumbass. The world, not to mention the gene pool, will be much better off without your vitriolic presence.

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