This is a sitting member of the Congress of the United States of America:

If she wants the complete end to policing in this country I could get behind that, as long as she really means an end to policing in this country.  Not the half-assed bullshit we have now.

Because I’m going to take her at face value and include Federal policing in that call to an end of policing.

In such a case every gun control law is effectively null and void.  Without police who will take my AR and high-capacity magazines?

Who will stop me from getting machine guns and high explosives?

Right now the law is not enforced against the likes of Antifa or BLM rioters but it is enforced against otherwise lab-abiding citizens on the other side of the political spectrum.

So if the law is going to be selectively enforced by one side in a way that benefits them, and one of their leaders calls for an end to all forms of law enforcement, I feel like I’m better off.

The cops won’t protect me from Antifa now, but if there are no cops, who will stop me from taking on Antifa with a M240 liberated from a National Guard armory like a pair of shoes from Foot Locker.

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By J. Kb

14 thoughts on “I could get behind this as long is she went all the way with it”
  1. Donut Operator’s breakdown of this is simple: this is what you get when you cut training budgets and have chiefs of police more interested in politics than in doing their jobs.

    It was a shit show all around,

    1. She puts on a good show for her constituents, and entertainment is more important than reasoned debate.

  2. Part of the reason she feels so free to spew bile, is she’s confident she won’t be called on it. Or that nobody will really take her up on it.

  3. Lead by example, you loud-mouth fugly congresskritter. Until then, shut up and spend more time doing your real job instead of racist political pandering.

  4. Lead by example, you loud-mouth fugly congresskritter. Until then, shut up and spend more time doing the real job you were (laughably) elected for instead of the constant racist political pandering you’re well known for.

  5. Because I’m going to take her at face value and include Federal policing in that call to an end of policing.
    Including her Secret Service protection!

  6. See this national push to defend police for what it is: they want no cops but Federales. Easier to get your tyrant on without having to worry about some hick Sheriff refusing your orders.

  7. Didn’t that undercover video group expose massive voter fraud and ballot harvesting in her district? Project ( Latin name meaning “truth”)?

  8. I’m on board. I’m quite sure they will run out of stupid before we run out of liberated cartridges. I’m beyond tired of stupid people ruining our once great country. I’m beyond tired of evil people calling righteousness evil and calling evil righteousness!

    I’ve been challenging my friends and family to read the list of grievances in the Declaration of Independence and compare them to what our own government has been doing to us for the last 100 years. The grievances of the 1770s don’t come close to the evil being perpetuated by our own government. It is long past time that we man (and woman) up and put a stop to this evil.

    Just my 2 cents.

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