By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “I couldn’t be a cop”
      1. Bold of you to assume he’d be in a holding cell, not a mass grave — if the country were run the way they believe it is.

        (And if it were run the way they want it to be. They’re not the brightest people.)

  1. Cryin like a bitch holdin his nutsak…. years ago I was seriously thinkin about bein a cop…. glad i didnt. My giva-damm woulda broke a long time ago

  2. For completeness sake, it should be noted that the “Kevin” referred to in the first video who the guy in the second video claims was “murdered” is one Kevin E. Peterson, Jr.

    Although the investigation is still ongoing, it would appear that Mr. Peterson was evading arrest on narcotics charges, led the police on a foot chase, and then opened fire on them with a handgun. The police returned fire and fatally wounded Peterson. (Link below.)

    Now, as I said, the investigation hasn’t concluded yet so we don’t yet have all the facts… But, yeah, this guy doesn’t exactly sound like a martyred saint. The newspaper found a very nice picture of him though.

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