By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “I did Nazi that coming”
  1. I’d consider believing “we’re all In this together” if the (self) anointed ones partook of the economic loss, familial separation, and general bullshit, as Their Minions suffered.

    Otherwise, FYVM.

  2. I hated the “We’re all in This together” and “We’re all in the same boat” when this started.

    Some people were riding the storm out in a Megayacht with full crew, lots of provisions, and copious amounts of hookers and blow (Hollywood and their ilk). Most people were closer to riding this shit out in a 10’ jon boat and a lunchbox with some snacks in it and were left out to weather the storm by those who pushed them out to sea.

    Now, the Karens have been pushed into a state of paranoia that would make Dale Gribble look moderate by any standard and they’ve got the NKVD and Stasi hotline on speed dial.

    We’re so fucked.

  3. All in it together?

    Like you can break one stick alone, but not a bunch of them all bundled together in… what’s that called? Oh yeah, a faces.

  4. End of 2021 or early 2022: “Call in to report anyone you suspect voted for Trump or own a firearm so we can execute them as we have passed legislation mandating there extermination.Remember, if you are found to know someone that voted for Trump or owns a gun you do not tell us you your entire family will also be executed as we have also mandated the compete and total extermination of all United States citizens not in full support of the entitle United States population that voted for Trump, possess illegal firearms as well as the entire United States population that opposes these actions and if we believe state s or cities are not complying we have already declared the entire population of that city or state to be totally exterminated via nuclear carlry bombing as well as all United stars citizens opposing the extermination all United stares citizens that oppose the Democratic Party.”

    “We understand this may involve us killing all human life in the United States. Remember you can do your part to prevent us from declaring the extermination of the entire United States population is needed by doing your duty and reporting all those you suspect of not supporting the democrats, opposing the democrats or do not exactly think exactly like the Democratic Party so we can make sure that those we deem worthy to live are not wiped out with the rest of the population we deems unworthy to live in our utopia. Remember, report everyone you know that you know voted for Trump, possesses a firearm, has any conservative viewpoints, says anything disparaging against the Democratic Party or we will execute you a d your entire family. As you know we already in the process of the complete and total extermination of every single registered Republican and also we have taken the effort to execute all democrats that are opposed to the extermination of all republicans as all democrats who oppose this action are traitors.”

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