Biden has been President for two months.

In that time he:

    • Decimated oil and gas jobs
    • Caused gas to go up by $1 a gallon with estimates of $4/gal or more this year
    • Caused a deluge of illegal immigrants across our southern border
    • Has pushed a reopening/economic recovery delay to fight COVID
    • Spend trillions of dollars which will drive inflation
    • Is pushing new tax hikes

Now a Ford plant is going back on it’s word and is moving production to Mexico.  It will now be the only one.

The Biden Administration can be summed up as white collar progressive utterly destroying blue collar America because Bad Orange Man sent mean Tweets.

Half of America deliberately cost the other half of America their livelihood and income, on purpose, because they look down on them (the MAGA Deplorables).

I’m now sure how violence is not inevitable.  This isn’t something that gets fixed with an election.

I can’t see how this won’t end anyway but badly.


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By J. Kb

10 thoughts on “I don’t know how violence isn’t inevitable”
    1. And about the only way to get a bully to stop is a solid punch in the nose. Several times if needed.

  1. Well, of the four boxes available to patriots, there is only one remaining. And, pResident Burden’s administration is actively trying to take that one away.

  2. Violence is what they want. It can be used to seize more power. And after all when you goal is the literal complete and total extermination of the entire United States population that oppose or resists the Democrats including the extermination of every Trump voter, gun owner, registered republican as well as the complete and total extermination of the entire United States population that opposes the extermination of any of the above who cares about violence? These are Democrats. They desire nothing less than the extermination of all human life in the United States that has any conservative opinions. Just deploy the woke Biden military to kill all who oppose and if there is a manpower and numbers issues because 3% of the gun owning population still outnumbers the military and most current and former member unless you are leadership would oppose that just throw a few dozen nukes at the problem. After all it is what eric swalwell wants.

  3. CBMTTek reminds us of another major item, which is a full scale attack on the right to be armed.
    Much of what was mentioned is specific examples of the general pattern, which is a move to hard-core one party rule. The “bipartisanship” pretense was always a lie, and it’s becoming more obvious by the day.
    By the way, it wasn’t much noticed at the time, but during the campaign Biden was challenged about not getting much done during the Obama regime. His answer was “well, we had a Republican Congress”. Which meant “no, I actually don’t do bipartisanship, I only talk about it”.

  4. Also, it’s worth mentioning that only 2 months in and the Department of Defense is now making thinly veiled threats towards journalists.

  5. I have a slight hope that the Leftists might realize that Utopia is, by definition, unobtainable and thus, they’ll realize the error of their ways.

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