Generalisimo Franco is laughing from hell.

The plenary session of the Congress of Deputies has finally approved on Wednesday, with 199 votes in favour, 91 against and 57 abstentions, the Draft Law on urgent measures of prevention, containment and coordination to deal with the health crisis caused by COVID-19, known as the decree of the ‘new normal’.

Among the measures referred to in the text, the obligation for persons, from the age of six, to wear a mask on public roads, in outdoor spaces and in any enclosed space for public use or that is open to the public, is maintained, provided that it is not possible to ensure the maintenance of an interpersonal safety distance of , at least 1.5 meters.

Aprobada la ley de ‘nueva normalidad’ por la pandemia del Covid-19

But are you surprised? Spain suspended the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine just 2 days ago because fears of a 0.0006% chance of people dying by blood clots. SOMETHING HAD TO BE DONE!

I could not find the text of the bill to see if the mandate also included transportation by personal vehicles, I would not be surprised if it does.

And coming soon to a shop in Spain: Human Feedbags so you don’t have to break the law when you are starving and must eat away from home.

Hat Tip @el_espia_vago

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Spain lands fully back into Fascism.”
  1. Hmm…

    “COVID-compliant consumption method: eat in safety, without a need to remove your mask! Heavy-duty water-proof canvas for ease of cleaning, and can handle warm food with ease. Separate chamber for nose to permit breathing even with thick foods like mashed potatoes or tomato soup.”

    I could market that, push to get it adopted in NYC and LA, make some money from the sheep…

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