I’ve seen this meme posted several times online:


The point is always the same.  It’s not fair that the Red area is represented by eight senators and the green represented by two senators.

So the conclusion they draw is that we must abolish the Senate.

Because the Left already controls the House of Representatives, they need to attack the Senate.

I look at this and come to a different conclusion.

The population density of NYC is 27,000 per square mile.  The average for the United States is 94 per square mile.

New York City is 288 times more dense as the average.

Cities like NYC are unnatural and unsustainable.

They can’t grow enough food to feed their population or have landfill space to dispose of their garbage.

Clearly before we abolish the Senate we have to abolish the megacities.

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By J. Kb

12 thoughts on “I don’t think this meme makes the point they want it to make”
  1. I can see a 100 senators just up and quitting… ya sure…. The citified elites are coming to the realization that they are vastly out numbered and definitely out smarted. Nov is gonna be interesting

  2. There’s an interesting rule in the Constitution that changing the equal representation in the Senate requires unanimous consent of all states, not just the usual 3/4 for an ordinary Constitutional amendment.

  3. Funny that,

    They are using “slate” as their source material. I am pretty sure us “Dirt people ” are going to roll over so our “betters” can rip off a bigger chunk of representation so they can Lord it over us and really put us in “our place”. ….riiight…..sure….

  4. I look at this comparison and think, “Wow, it’s no wonder New Yorkers (or any other mega-city dwellers) have no idea what life is like in the rest of the country, and it’s no wonder they find freedom and open spaces scary.”

    Whoever did this comparison cherry-picked the least-populous contiguous counties in America, to cover as broad a stretch — and include as many states — as possible. They could have used the western halves of Oregon and Washington (west of the Cascades), or Los Angeles and the three counties surrounding it, or Chicago and the five-ish counties surrounding it, or the southern half of Florida, but those aren’t nearly as impressive or outrageous. It’s just gerrymandering in another form. (Also, why does the expansive area have to be colored Evil Blood Red, while NYC is Good Guy Green?)

    Finally, an unrelated observation: I’ve always been fascinated by the shapes of counties in different parts of the country. Look at the map, and note that east of, say, New Mexico, the counties tend strongly toward tightly-packed squares and rectangles, while in the west it’s all over the map (no pun intended). I know that some county lines are based on geographical features (rivers, mountain ranges, etc.), while others are drawn more-or-less arbitrarily (especially if there are no geographical features) — northern Texas especially looks like someone laid graph paper over the map and said, “There’s our county lines” — but it’s interesting to see how it all fits together.

    1. Re county shapes: roads, too. I learned driving in rural Illinois, where the roads were basically a Cartesian grid.
      Part of the reason may be the “land grant” system, where the territories were divided up into “sections” (square miles) and quarters and sixteenths, along grid lines. I once looked at a subdivision in northern NM in which each of the lots was described along the lines of “NE quarter of the NW quarter of section 471”. Interestingly enough, not far south of there this no longer applies, there the land is by Spanish land grants which aren’t grid lines.
      And of course there are two (only two) states that are simple rectangles.

  5. There’s only one good answer to the NYFC problem. Wall it off, wait 20 years, then send in Snake Plissken to look for survivors.

      1. He was last seen “walking off into the sunset” after destroying all the electronics on Earth with a worldwide EMP at the end of ‘Escape from L.A.’ so as far as we know he’s still alive.
        Kurt Russell is both still breathing & still acting though he is nearing his 71st birthday, so it’s probably safe to assume that he won’t be reprising the role again. And while I’d be excited for Kurt Russell to do another Snake Plissken movie my enthusiasm is definitely dampened, in terms of where the story could go, by the worldwide death of technology at the end of ‘EfLA.’
        I suppose they could do ‘Escape from Portland’ or something but it’d essentially wind up being a western. Opening scene: A dusty posse rides through a decayed Washington DC and up to White House with Snake in chains; they haul him up to the Oval Office to meet with a decrepit president, the office lit by smoking kerosene lanterns. The president looks at Snake, his eyes bloodshot & bruises looking, and in a quavering voice says, “Snake, we’ve received word by carrier pigeon that there’s a working Honda generator in Portland, Oregon. Here’s a team of horses and supplies, you have two years to find it and bring it back before the plutoxin-19 virus we’ve injected you with kills you. Here’s a rusty 1911 with the last three rounds of ammo we could find and a bow with some arrows. Good luck.” I’m pretty sure that’s not going to do too well at the box office.
        ^ There’s reasons I’m not a script writer.

  6. It’s worth noting that after the 2020 census both California and New York lost a seat as a consequence of people moving away. Over time both will be less consequential. A 3 day truckers strike and some sabotage would accelerate the process.

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