So I finally caved and got myself a Facebook page for the Blog. I think they call it integration or some other crap like that.

It still looks ugly and won’t be fixed till tomorrow or Friday.

This is the part I hate: Pleaassseeee Like me.  Or at least hit LIKE and hate me later.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “I HAZ FACEBOOK!”
  1. Congrats on expanding! But, be ready to be exposed to some seriously unstable and demented people. Who, apparently, don’t care that they’re using their real names…

    Disclaimer: I used to haz teh fasebook, too, but I deleted my account when I caught myself arguing on the internetz. Just wasn’t worth the stress of having to wade through so much stupidity and inanity every session.

  2. I…

    Dangit Miguel. Now all the blogs I read are people with facebook. Now you won’t update your blog as much. And then you will be telling everyone when you’re pooping. And then you’ll be sharing photos of yourself half naked in front of you bathroom mirror making duck faces, then you’ll be saying yolo and other stupid stuff.

    Avoid the face books! It’s evil! The Vatican tried to take out the founder 10 years ago but was stopped by the dread overlord! Owen Pitt can’t even stop the Facebook! Earl Harbinger is afraid of the Facebook!


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