We all knew this was coming but Biden and Butt-Judge are going to cram this up your tail pile on top of all the other fuckery.

Got got that nice house in the suburbs and a fuel efficient hybrid to save the planet and money at the pump.  Especially since you supported Biden gutting oil and gas and at 45 mpg it didn’t really affect you.

Too bad for you, you’re gonna get fucked with taxes for that.

Just wait until the plumber or contractor who drives a truck or van for work hits you with both a $4 per gallon fuel surcharge and a millage surcharge.

I bet you’re gonna feel it then.

We could have had an Administration that wasn’t going to fuck the economy to death like a trafficked migrant child on the casting couch of a Democrat donor Hollywood executive, but nope, you had to stop the mean Tweets.

From the bottom of my heart and my 40 mile per day round trip commute, you can go fuck yourself with a fire hydrant.

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By J. Kb

11 thoughts on “I hope the nice Tweets are worth getting butt-f**ked on your commute”
  1. For everything they keep saying about going after billionaires and ‘big tech’, the only things they actually push are regressive taxes like this.

  2. And, to ensure that the road taxes are distributed correctly, Big Brother will need to know which roads you’re putting the miles on. So, mandatory tracking device in every vehicle. For Fairness.

  3. Two questions: Does that mean they’re going to remove the federal gas taxes and replace them with a mileage tax? Or does that mean drivers of gas vehicles are going to be taxed to pay for road maintenance twice?

    Second: How are they expecting to enforce this? Is the tax inspector going to come check the mileage of my vehicles every year? They’re going to require every vehicle to have some sort of big brother mileage reporting equipment installed? Who will pay for the equipment?

    Hopefully they’ll just rely on the fact that most modern vehicles already “phone home” with location data so they can just leverage the existing systems…that would be great for people like me who’s various vehicles are all between 10 and 21 years old and have no plans to buy anything newer. But I doubt they’d let me get away with that. Probably just make driving a vehicle that doesn’t dutifully report your location to big brother illegal.

    That way they can tax us, plus keep track of us so that they’ll know who among us engage in subversive activities like going to the shooting range or attending meetings of notorious extremist organizations like the VFW, Moose Lodge, or Nazarene Church.

    1. Sailor
      I suspect they want something like the diesel vehicle tax in New Zealand. When I was there in 2019 you had to buy a permit good for so many kilometres that the distance on your odometer was put on. If you were stopped for anything by police and they checked there were large fines for not having or being over the distance.

      Petrol was about $10 a gallon local money and diesel was about $6 at the time.

  4. You already carry a tracking device, any cell phone with GPS. Guess what, all cars have them too.

    1. Not all cars have tracking devices. One of ours has no GPS at all; one has GPS but no network connectivity; the third has GPS and can connect to the network via my phone, if as and when I allow it to do so. Phone absent or turned off, no tracking.

  5. “From the bottom of my heart and my 40 mile per day round trip commute, you can go fuck yourself with a fire hydrant.”

    Don’t mince words, J, tell us how you REALLY feel. 8>)

  6. Weight-per-vehicle-mile taxes are probably the only way to get revenue out of electric vehicles. The problem is that in order to do this, i think, they’ll have to make it a factor of (curb weight / contact patch area * distance travelled * some small fraction.) This would mean that a 2000lb vehicle would pay about 1/2 as much a 4000lb vehicle for the same distance travelled. Then they need to apply the same formula for gas/diesel vehicles and remove all of the fuel taxes. I don’t know if this is feasible, but the part that has to be set in stone is that small fraction above. Also, there can be no exceptions for any non-government vehicles, and no more free private use of government vehicles. It also has to be done without having to track everyone…

    just my two cents. I hope it was worth it.

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