By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

14 thoughts on “I need a Service Dog.”
  1. so, i’m a dobe fan and owner. and i have a suggestion.

    if you are serious about wanting a dobe, be careful with your breeder. there are a lot of useless shitheads breeding these dogs “for protection” who don’t bother to do their due diligence with health testing and whatnot. in case you aren’t aware, the dobe is a very sickly breed. many (at least 50%, if not more) die from dilated cardiomyopathy, and probably about as many die from cancer. the breed has hip displaysia and thyroid problems, as well.

    seriously consider hopping onto for a breeder recommendation. we have a few folks who breed and train in bitesports who’d be able to help you find your dog.

    1. I had 3 Dobbies before and all died of old age 🙂
      On this new location, I just don’t have the proper space for raising a healthy dog. They love to run, enclosed urban space will just not do and I refuse to raise a Doberman like that .

      We are planning to move in the future and I do demand LOTS of space for shooting and having my Dobbies go wild running around.

      C’mon Florida Lotto!

      PS: none of that Show Dog breeding…

      1. awesome! you got lucky. 🙂

        i hear ya, if we didn’t have a big yard we wouldn’t have our girl. next home will be FAR from the east coast and someplace where we can afford a lot of land.

        funny thing about show breeders…many of them train their dogs in other venues. seriously consider hopping on DT for breeder recs. we’ll steer you in the right direction. 😉

        one quick question: would you consider having a dog shipped to you? i know of a VERY good bitesport breeder who lives out in Cali, and if i were interested in getting into bite work i would buy one of her dogs without question. she does ship dogs – she’ll be shipping to a friend in PA when he’s ready to have another dobe in his life.

        1. Shipped dog…. ughh… I can’t. Call me crazy, but I have to see the dog (and the parents) and see if I connect with the animal (cats too).
          It is a gut thing but it has not failed me yet.

          1. that’s fair.

            i don’t know if there are any bitesport/working breeders in your area, though. and there are quite a few puppy mills/BYBs on the East Coast, none of which you’d want to go through.

            lemme poke around and see if i can find anyone down there.

          2. alright.

            i know breeds excellent dogs. he’s a hike and a half away in New York, but he’s worth the drive, i’m told. also gets my vote (i really, really like their dogs for bitesports).

   is closer to you, in NC. i don’t know anything about the dogs she produces but they appear to be titled in Schutzhund and health tested, which is key.

            good luck. please share pictures, whenever the pup comes home to you. i love doberpup pictures. 😀

  2. Never had a Doberman, but I know what it is to love a dog. Come on, Lotto, indeed. I once asked a K-9 officer why I didn’t see Dobermans used by departments down here. He said that they don’t take the heat well, that Belgians and even German Shepherds can stand more heat, and that Miami police use Belgians for that reason. Do you have a “take” on that? ( When my Lotto winnings come in, I’ll get a house with a pecan grove so my little hound can have all the squirrels she wants to chase.)

    1. that’s absolutely one reason you don’t see dobes used in K9 units. dobes are single-coated dogs, unlike GSDs and Mals. they cannot handle either extreme in temp (and should NOT be outside dogs), while the breeds used in K9 units are well insulated. the other is they’re too independent-thinking. a GSD and a Mal will do what you ask of them unquestioningly, while a dobe will think about it a little more.

      1. “while a dobe will think about it a little more.”

        LOL… Now that is true. You can do the fake stick toss once or twice, after that they will either ignore you or go behind you and get the stick themselves

        1. seeeeeeriously.

          hell, how’s this for innovation? i have a 19 week old baby girl. from the day she could reach my butt while standing on her hind legs, she’s managed to thwart my attempts to turn so she isn’t making contact with me while jumping. she will MOVE HER FEET to make sure she’s maintaining contact while i’m spinning in a circle.

          …i need to shape that behavior…

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