Bradys are pumping up the “volume” again with this thing.

Brady I Pledge to Ask


But we had the news this week that Eddie Eagle had reached the milestone of 27 million kids have gone through the program while the Gun Control groups have taught bupkis to kids other than scare themselves into majestic piles of poo the second they hear the word “gun” or arresting them if they play cops & robbers at school.

So what we must do if a parent comes to you and asks if you have guns in your house is to ask them back: “Did your child go through the Eddie Eagle Program and knows what to do in the presence of a gun?” If the answer is in the negative, then tell the parent that unfortunately you think his kid is a danger to himself and others and that he will not be allowed to play with yours or come inside your residence.

It is tough but we are doing it for the Children.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

11 thoughts on “I Pledge to Ask…. but not the way you think.”
  1. The Eddie Eagle program is one of the things gun banners would like to see end.

    They don’t care about what it actually does or how effective it is. They just want to kill anything associated with the NRA.

    1. That’s one of their tricks, parsing language. If you confront them, they say you misread what they were trying to say. It also makes you spend time and bytes deconstructing their statements which makes people lose interest. The solution is to simply say LIE! give a very quick bullet point and force them to waste their time explaining why they wrote it the way they did.

      1. Yep, notice how they lump the injured in with the dead and then not tell you how many actually die, leaving the reader to wonder. Roughly 80 children die from gun accidents a year. They probably feel that number is too small to mention, especially when they just told us 1.7 million homes have loaded unlocked guns and children.

        It’s like saying “30 million Americans a year die from the flu… or get sick from it.”

  2. Low information and no facts. Great way to control those with the attention span of a gnat’s ass!

  3. Yep Eddie Eagle’s prime goal is to keep kids safe and avoid accidents.

    Brady ask prime goal is to stigmatize gun owners and alienate their kids.

  4. Thousands of children are killed by guns every year. This is true.

    It is true because the CDC statistics used conveniently include anyone under 25 as a child. And because drug dealers and thugs under age 25 in cities like Chicago kill thousands of fellow children every year.

    As Mark Twain said, there are 3 kinds of lies. Lies, damned lies, and statistics.

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