First all open one maybe…

Fundamentally I don’t care.  However, I do have an enormous fucking problem with a pride flag flying in a US Navy helicopter or being a uniform patch.

They are US Navy sailors, not the helicopter crew of the USS Grabass.  They should be flying the US Navy Ensign or (if it’s still authorized) the First Navy Jack.

Also, gratuitous gay Navy joke:

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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “I really doubt it…”
  1. Who the living F cares? Maybe 10 people? As noted, this is the United States Navy, not a social club. I want people who can do their jobs. I don’t care what they look like or what they do in their off-duty time.

    They should be flying a Gadsden flag. (Hee, hee.)

  2. Weren’t the Village People in the Navy? Cuz that’s what the second image reminds me of….

  3. One, I don’t give a f**K what your sexual orientation is or who or what you sleep with. Can you do the job you were hired for with competence and professionalism? That is my only concern.

    Two, advertising your sexual preference for political purposes is a very bad idea. Considering some of the places you may be deployed and local attitudes in those places, you my find yourself in serious trouble if captured. You may also find that local support personnel may not be accepting of your preferences and take actions that you will not like.

  4. This kind of reminds me of Biden’s SotU speech, where he turned around and said “Madame Speaker … Madame Vice President” … and then proceeded to make a huge deal about how great it was to say that, he was the first president to be able to say that, blah blah blah.

    Real equality would be, “Madam Speaker, Madame VP,” and then get on with the speech. Or at the most, a smile and “That feels good to say.”

    Why? Because if it’s real equality, the gender, skin color, whatever, makes no difference.

    That’s how I know all of this is BS. People make too big a deal of something that, if you believe in equality, doesn’t matter. And it’s also how I know they will continue to look for more and more extreme examples of “firsts,” just to continue with the hit parade of news.

  5. Liberals are fundamentally lazy. They want to be noticed, respected, promoted, or even adored, but do not actually want to earn any of those things. So, they celebrate what you are, not what you do.

    In their mind, your sexual preference, skin color, or heritage has value. They refuse to accept that none of those things have any economic value whatsoever. And, they will declare you a hater if you remind them of that fact.

  6. The only question that matters: Does this “historic” event enhance the warfighting capability and/or combat readiness of the US Military?

    I don’t see how.

    Our military has been taking their eye off the ball for decades and when they are called upon to fight a competent, technologically advanced foe, they’re going to die in job lots.

    When race, sex, “gender identity”, sexual orientation etc are all more important than ability to carry out the mission, your military is screwed.

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