But he prospect of sitting next to people like this just raises the level of annoyance to a stratospheric level.

The guy was eating! What was he supposed to do? Chew with the mask? swallow both?  And if you were worried about getting sick by the unmasked passenger, why would you want to engage in physical contact? The answer is not mask-shield man was not thinking about health but about imposing/maintaining dogma.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

One thought on “I was not fond of air travel before.”
  1. Maybe the guy was supposed to … not eat?

    I know I’m going to get downvotes on this, but I don’t care.

    In tight, cramped, unpleasant quarters if everyone acts with a bit of courtesy, and everybody plays by the same rules, it makes the best of a generally disagreeable situation. People who don’t, make life much more miserable for everyone. I’ve flown enough that jackasses who believe the rules don’t apply to them get zero sympathy from me, even if they think they’re being reasonable. Even if the rule is unreasonable, well, guess what, you agreed to the airline’s rules when you bought the ticket and stepped on board.

    If the airline has a rule in place against eating on board, then don’t eat. If the rules allow eating, then don’t fuss at people who do so reasonably. (And by “reasonably” I mean not doing things like shoving orange peel into the seat pocket.). I’ve no idea which airline this was and no idea what their policies on eating are. All I know is nobody needed the drama. Not the people involved, not the people a few seats away who can’t get away from the drama.

    In either case, if you have a real problem with another passenger, then unless you’re being physically attacked ring the call button and ask the cabin crew to deal with it. Your job is not enforcement.

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