AP-NORC poll: A third of US adults skeptical of COVID shots

The poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that while 67% of Americans plan to get vaccinated or have already done so, 15% are certain they won’t and 17% say probably not. Many expressed doubts about the vaccine’s safety and effectiveness.

The poll suggests that substantial skepticism persists more than a month and a half into a U.S. vaccination drive that has encountered few if any serious side effects. Resistance was found to run higher among younger people, people without college degrees, Black Americans and Republicans.

Of those who said they definitely will not get the vaccine, 65% cited worries about side effects, despite the shots’ safety record over the past months. About the same percentage said they don’t trust COVID-19 vaccines. And 38% said they don’t believe they need a vaccine, with a similar share saying that they don’t know if a COVID-19 vaccine will work and that they don’t trust the government.

Let’s recap the situation.

We’ve been told that the vaccine doesn’t stop you from catching or transmitting the virus.

We’ve been told that after you get the vaccine you still have to (double) mask and socially distance.

We’ve been told that despite mass vaccination, the lockdowns will continue and we’re still unable to return to normal.

We know the vaccine has been rushed to market faster than any other in history and that we cannot sue the pharmaceutical companies if we have bad reactions.

What’s the selling point of getting vaccinated.

I’m curious as to why more people are not skeptical.

I’m not an anti-vaxxer.  I’ve had all my shots.  So have my kids.  I get my flu shot every year.

But those have decades of clinical history.

We don’t know if a year from now one in ten people who got the vaccine will end up with cancer or uncontrollable burning rectal discharge.

That is where the reticence comes from.

Not to mention that the handling of the COVID has been so bad I can’t fault anyone who doesn’t trust the government.

“The governor who killed most of the old people in his city then defied a court order stopping him from hiding that fact, a Congressman who got trapped by a Chinese honeypot, and a President with signs of dementia and a millionaire crackhead son trading on daddy’s name say you have to get a vaccine, that doesn’t allow you to take off your mask and live a normal life.  And if the side effects cripple you, you get nothing.”

Wow, where do I sign up for that?



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By J. Kb

14 thoughts on “I wonder why?”
  1. The annoying thing is that a lot of the people who say many of the things you mentioned are supposedly M.D. types. That means they supposedly learned basic biology in college, and as a result would be expected to have some elementary understanding of the microbiological processes by which infectious diseases do their thing.
    Assertions such as “we don’t know if you can still infect people after vaccination” clearly and unambiguously demonstrate the speaker did not acquire that elementary understanding.

  2. It’s such a weird thing, right?
    “You need to wear a mask because masks work*”
    “You need to get the vaccine because vaccines work”

    But now you have to do both, because one doesn’t work without the other? What?

    *well, they work now. They didn’t work a year ago, but now they do. I know this because I love science and that’s what scientists said. Also travel bans work now but they would never have worked a year ago.

  3. The concerns about the long term effects of mRNA vaccines are understandable, as it’s a new technology. But if you eliminate all the noise from the bottom feeding corporate media, vile politicians, and the equally insane anti-vax movement in this country and read about these vaccines, they are actually pretty elegant in how they work. Do we know for certain that everyone taking one of these vaccines will be free of negative effects in the long term? Not for certain, no. However, consider this:

    Would you rather roll the dice with a vaccine developed by an American company (Moderna, for example), or with a virus that was almost certainly released from a Chinese BioLab? What are the long term effects of this virus? What was the goal of the CCP in developing it?

    My money is on Moderna. I’ll take their vaccine if it can ward off a virus manufactured by the same government responsible for the Great Leap Forward, Tiananmen Square Massacre, and Uyghur concentration camps and organ harvesting. Even if you are to believe that the vaccine “doesn’t keep you from getting the virus”, which is also still not definitely established, it will still help you overcome it almost immediately with apparently little to no symptoms in most cases. The less amount of time the CCP Virus has to rummage through my body, the better.

    We all have choices to make.

    1. “Would you rather roll the dice with a vaccine developed by an American company (Moderna, for example), or with a virus that was almost certainly released from a Chinese BioLab?”

      The COVID-19 vaccines (and I use this term loosely for Moderna and Phizer products, Sinovac’s one is a real vaccine) have not been shown to prevent infection in clinical trials.

      You might want to look into VAERS and read up on Antibody Dependent Enhancement.

      As long as one has a choice, one can do whatever one wants.

      But people currently get coerced into taking this experimental treatment (Pfizer or Moderna). Read up on this.

      1. I certainly will. I use Moderna as an example, I know Pfizer is American but the company they collaborated with is German, if I remember correctly. As I’ve indicated, none of this is without risk. But for me, weighing the risks of an mRNA vaccine vs. Covid, I’ll take my chances with the vaccine.

      2. A, you don’t know what you’re talking about.
        Stop spouting bullshit.

        Miguel, can you erase that garbage?

    2. If I had to choose a vaccine I would gladly take the American one but as a person who began suffering from dehabilitating joint pain at age 30 from a side effect of a anthrax vaccine but unable to get disability from the military due to improperly logged medical documentation I am a bit hesitant to take it at this time. More over I have family in the medical field who agree that it isn’t worth the risk for those who are healthy under 50 and and don’t Live with those who are at risk. In bad health or just old the benfits probably out weigh the risk.

    3. “My money is on Moderna. I’ll take their vaccine”

      If you are set on taking a Covid 19 vaccine, go with the lesser Evil, i.e. Pfizer. Moderna’s has much harsher short term side effects, especially after 2nd dose.

      Do not act on faith, look at the data.

  4. In my state they mandated flu shots this year for all educational institutions, public or private, by December 31st. In the beginning of December our public schools sent emails that any pupil without vaccination documentation would be expelled on the 31st.

    The state removed this requirement due to pending lawsuits, but only in mid January, long after the deadline.

    What I am afraid of right now is that they will pull the same stunt this year with the COVID-19 vaccination.

    Flu vac is more or less harmless (well, if one forgets about 28% increase in common coronavirus infections in flu-vaccinated… )

    Covid 19 vaccines (and I mean Pfizer, Moderna, and Sinovac), on the other hand, have horrible short term side effects, including death in relatively young people and miscarriages.
    But the worse part is unknown long term side effects, with ADE being rather common for coronaviruses. And what is going on in Israel and Emirates strongly hints at Covid 19 ADE.

    Of course, in the best Soviet traditions, everything is marvelous and mushrooms from Pripyat taste delicious….

    1. “have horrible short term side effects, including death”

      I would have suspected that DEATH is not a short term side effect.

      But what the heck, I ain’t got a degree

  5. FYI: I just got a lesson on “double masking” today. I hate it when I don’t get to rag on the idiots of the left.

    So the stupid masks that we wear are considered “single”, “double” or “Triple” masks depending on the number of cloth layers. The original design for masks put out by the CDC were “double” layer (double masking) with an option for a third layer or filter.

    The tee-shirt over your mouth or the Victoria’s Secret versions of mask are simply “single” masks.

    Finally, there are people that are wearing two masks. A good N95 under a cloth mask. The cloth mask is there because it can be washed/recycled AND it is easy to get masks that send a message “This is just for show” and “Come and Take” it for just a few.

    The problem comes from politicians like Faucci using a jargon term that doesn’t mean what it actually sounds like it means.

    Same shit as when a machinist says “I was off by 2 tenths” Which sounds like 0.2 inches but in fact is 0.0002inches. I.e. freaking small.

  6. Thing that gets me is all the panic and freaking out about a virus that 99.9555555% SURVIVE. Its pure d unadulterated BULLSHIITE

  7. My Parents are in their late Eighties, 88 and 89 years old. They have about a 1 in 5 chance of dying from the Chinese Coronavirus.

    I am glad they got the first dose of the vaccine. My siblings and I are in our sixties, and will get the vaccine also. One of my nephews and nieces has a degraded heart function. He intends to get the vaccine. The others are relatively healthy, in their twenties and thirties and are mostly wait and see.

    In Minnesota, a child between 5 and 9 died this week. He/she is the second person under 20 ( TENTY YEARS OLD!) to die of COVID-19 in Minnesota. Two out of 6400 deaths. Two in 11 months. Compare that to the usual Influenza death toll of 10-20 children every year.

  8. I’m reasonably certain the vaccine is harmless. And courtesy of a Dr. Blogger from Israel I believe that it protects against covid. But given that the SOBs that stole this country still intend to keep the lockdowns and muzzles going, so what?

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