This a group from Minneapolis (of course) and to say they are stupidly dangerous and naive  is not an exaggeration.

I looked around their recommendations and they are either insane, stupid or both. here are some.

1. An easy one: STOP calling the police when it’s clearly unnecessary.
Wait. This is a Police Free world as in No Cops for you to call.

4. If you DO need police, go to them instead of calling them to you.
“Hello, Police? Somebody just broke into my home. I am hiding in my closet, please help me.”
“I am sorry ma’am, but to the new initiatives, we can only help you if you come to the station. Do you have our address? We offer a 10% for your Lyft ride.”

6. Make a list of local services/hotlines you can call instead of the police.
I am so sure that a 5 foof 5 inches Social Studies graduate will be a force that will calm drunken hubby so he stops beating the shit out of the wife and kids.

10. Dream bigger: there was a time before police, and there will be a time after.
Yup, there were Vigilantes and Regulators and Night Riders to keep the peace.

I do want this instituted in Minneapolis ASAP. I am not alone wanting to see what kind of Mad Max world it turns out to be. The body count will be amazing, maybe Third World worthy.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

29 thoughts on “I would laugh at this if it wasn’t for the potential violent crime that will bring.”
  1. #1 actually isn’t that bad. Karen should stop dialing 911 when she sees someone without a mask or standing a mere 5′ from someone else. The stupid seems deep on the rest.

  2. Couple of years ago there was a guy running “sharia patrols” in Minneapolis. Betcha he’ll be back, and he’ll have a staff of bruisers.

  3. “People take ownership of public spaces and respect boundaries and collectivity. We have hard conversations with ourselves and each other. We make room for laughter.”

    How are you going to force “people to take ownership”? How are you going to force people to “respect boundaries?” I’m sure that the guy that has been robbing the local quick marts will have no problem having a hard conversation with you, likely of “Go F yourself!” when you ask him to stop. And I’m sure there will be laughter from those types of people when you are begging them to stop disrespecting your boundaries, and likely the boundaries of your sisters, mothers and little brothers. If everybody was as nice as you think they are, then yes, give up the police.

    If not, you’ll replace them.

    Just like Occupy Wallstreet did. They said “no cops” and immediately setup a “safety committee” to not deal with the crimes that were happening. The difference was that the safety committee decided what was a crime and what wasn’t, often based on who was accussed.

    So the 8 yo will have as much say as the 20 yo who will have as much say as the 60 yo. So everything will come down to a vote. “I am voting that you give up your house because I and my 8 best friends need it more than you. All those that vote against, remember what happened to Shelly? She should be out of the hospital next week.

    “Everyone’s needs being met.” Hmm, I wonder if that pedo down the street is having his needs met? How about the guy trying to get enough money to buy another hit of his local dealer.

    “Justice is prioritized over Retribution.” Ummm, justice for whom? For the grandmother that has her shop burned down by “protesters” or justice for the “protester” that was arrested for “redistributing” grandma’s merchandise?

    Absolutely there are going to be some that “protect each other”. Normally we pay them to take reports of incidents, respond in easily identifiable vehicles, they wear a spiffy costumes and many of them actually run super go-pros so that everybody can see what actually happens around them.

    We provide them with a bit of respect in exchange for them doing dangerous hard work that others don’t want.

    You just keep believing in the good of people. I’m going to keep believing in watching my six and making sure that my family is safe.

    1. OTOH where I come from, when “people take ownership of public spaces and respect boundaries” it’s called “private property.”
      Probably not what they would recognize.

  4. How far back do we have to go to find a civilized (for that particular time period) world without police? Guards, marshalls, constables. Once a gathering of people hits a certain threshold somebody steps up to maintain what they feel is order. There’s been some sort of law enforcement in every city since humanity invented cities.

    Some were actually military, some were brutal, some were more capricious than others, and some were little more than the local warlord’s brute squad, but law enforcement is damn near universal.

    1. It depends. Police, in the sense of government employees, are fairly recent. Peel introduced them in Britain in the early 1800s I believe, certainly no earlier.
      Sheriffs, who are elected, go back many centuries more. It’s been argued that having law enforcement handled by the sheriff rather than the police would improve matters, because the sheriff is accountable to the people while the police chief is not.

      1. The Romans would assign legionaries to law enforcement and keeping the peace. But, yeah, the idea of government employees specifically for law enforcement and not military use is relatively recent.

  5. The police will be back within a few years. These guys will be the first to want them back. You watch.

  6. Ironic that these progtards now want to get rid of police when they are their primary users as busybody Karens. Flippety-floppety assholes, the bunch of them.
    Yo, progtards… Either you want a LEOs or you don’t. Pick a side and face the consequences of YOUR choices for a change, you spineless cowards.

    1. It truly is. The home front door is locked to keep children, and the mentally/morally defective of adult age who act like children, out, for their own protection.

      1. It wasnot that long ago I never bothered to lock my house. Neighbours all knew when I was gone. I’d come back, Tom would come across and tell me this guy named John stopped by looking for you. He was driving a tan Ford pickup. Just thought ou’d lie to know. Howard next door had a few breakins to his garage. Heard a rucksu out there late one night. walked out in soft shows with a loaded .38 sixgun. WHen the dood looked at that HUGE hole in the end of it, he beat feat. Place hasn’t been touched since, and that was at leat fifteen years ago. I live in a nice neighbourhood…..

  7. Sure, I can agree with all of those statements, using dictionary definitions of their words. Let me add a statement of my own:

    The mental illness which drives people to steal is the problem of the thief, not the problem of the victim to cure at the victim’s expense. Victims are perfectly free to drive away thieves by force, and it’s ok if the minimum force that is likely to succeed is likely to result in the thief’s death.

    The lack of a need for a monopoly on violence (government/police force) is one of the conversations we are going to have, which is hard for you.

  8. When the rapist has the woman on the ground and he is actively thrusting inside of her as she screams, what do they do?

    1. J.KB, you have to look at your victim hierarchy list make a determination. Is she white and a member of the 1% and the rapist is a PoC? Then the rapist is the victim of her opresion and this is the least she can do for the fact that somebody else’s grandparents owned slaves 150 years ago.

      Is it a white man on top of a PoC? Then he should be killed now, with out trial. She is brave and strong for fighting the centuries of white oppression.

      Is he done, arrested, in prison, waiting for his death via lethal injection having raped multiple women and children and murdering some? Then he is a victim of the prison industrial system, and deserves a second chance. _West Side Story – Gee Officer Krupke!_

    2. That’s why the women NEED to be armed and skilled. We do NOT need to live in a world where a dead raped woman is a highermoral value than a woman with a hangun on her person and the skill to use it well when needed. This one is roughtly eqivalent toa dead putatuve rapist because his intended victim was armed and skilled, and defended herself well. He. on the toher hand, was driven my his own perverted lusts, and has now lost all. good riddance to bad rubbish.

  9. Why am I flashing on Serenity, and Mal showing the Operative his ‘world without sin’?

  10. Now I kinda want to make an Archer meme:
    “Do you want vigilante death squads in your city?
    Because this is how you get vigilante death squads in your city.”

  11. The small number of store-looter commies are supported politically by the much larger number of law-and-order commies who hire men in blue uniforms to kill store owners who shoot looters.

  12. We’ll simply replace laws with community guidelines, to be determined retroactively as circumstances require. And we’ll replace punitive law enforcement with struggle sessions, for the benefit of those who err.
    This works so well in the world of social media; why not apply it to society at large?

  13. The end result is that they will wind up with more police who have less controls, broader arrest powers, and a vastly larger list of rules. Ask the Germans, Cubans, and Venezuelans.

  14. The great irony here is that the exact same people demanding the police be defunded or abolished entirely are also the most violent, racist, unhinged, dangerous individuals in our society. These people will tell you they want love and peace and then bludgeon you with a brick if you dissent.

  15. Read “The Sociopath Next Door ” —
    4% of humans have no morals and no conscience. Most fake it to blend in with normal humans. If they can get away with it, they will gleefully commit crimes, including murder. This proposal is doomed to fail.

  16. The laughable thing about this post is the notion that your Government Masters would do anything but replace and rename their blue-clad goons something besides “police.” Without three or four layers of law enforcement bureaucracy, who would we have to murder unarmed citizens, ram their taxpayer provided vehicles into crowds, or knock down harmless septuagenarians under the color of law? Gosh, it will be anarchy if we have slightly less of that. Minneapolis is not going to get rid of their police in any real sense, because government loving bootlickers on the left and the right alike love the weight of their chains. Oh by the way, Miguel- Taxation is Theft, Chamo.

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