And the stupid keeps permeating to the top.

DALLAS – Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins said this is the time for change, and introduced new directives he wants to see implemented for local cities and law enforcement.

During a video tweeted Sunday, he encouraged conversations about race and discrimination in our community.

Along with the video, Jenkins tweeted 10 new directives that were developed during a meeting with government leaders, faith groups, and activists

Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins introduces 10 ‘Directions for Public Safety and Positive Community Change’

Click to enlarge

But wait…OK, you know know rest.

Not even going to waste time repeating SCOTUS and No Duty to Protect

Jimmy is off his meds and the Lizard People is telling him to slash the shit out the kids of the local elementary. But the cops cannot intervene because it is not a gun and the attacker is a crazy bastard? Yes, that is going to fly well. People are expecting the SWAT team and they are gonna get a pair of social workers? And taking over a situation from the cops?  Somebody has been watching too much TV.

And as usual, here is the document so you can read it.

I did a quick search for Judge Jenkins and it seems the guy has issues, mostly on the power-hungry side of tings.

he went even further than Abbott’s orders, going so far as to ban in-person worship and at one point even threatening to send the Texas National Guard door to door to see who was infected and who wasn’t—despite the fact that the National Guard reports to the governor, not him.

On April 7, Jenkins threatened to extend the county’s mandatory stay-at-home policy into May, triggering an outcry from the Dallas grassroots that mobilized citizens and pressured the county’s commissioners to take action.

On April 15, Jenkins issued an order mandating all people within the county to wear masks or face a maximum fine of $1,000 and/or 180 days in jail. Again, furious citizens spoke out. Commissioners John Wiley Price and J.J. Koch called for an emergency meeting during which they slapped down Jenkins’ order again, voting 3-2 to remove all penalties for not wearing a mask.

So we have an elected idiot who behaves like a mini banana dictator and has no idea of the danger that a blade or an impact weapon can have in the hands of a dedicated attacker.  I don’t think his proposals are gonna go far.

Spread the love

By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “If you are armed with a knife, you will not be shot in Dallas under a new proposal.”
  1. From the Dallas tourism board:

    “Are you full of rage? Do you want to kill a cop or an ex? Come to Dallas and use a bat. The cops can’t shoot you to stop you.”

  2. I thought Gov Abbott removed this clown from the bench after his last idiotic pronouncement. I guess that was too much to hope for.

  3. Ok…
    Well, there’s a new level of stupidity.

    It may also turn to Law for the Homeowner who is invaded.

    Matter a fact…i ‘ll say it…
    If this is adopted, tell me why this will never apply to you in your house or for that matter…any place else.

    1. Yep…. that is the final goal, complete disarmament of all citizens… they just figured a way in by limiting LEO . Wasn’t working the other way fast enough for them.

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