I want to apologize. But the known assholes at HostGator refuse to allocate more memory for the WordPress-based blog even though I had to pay extra for “Optimized WordPress” hosting service when the old service was not enough because I was “using too many resources” according to them.

On January, I am going to start looking for another host. Right now it is a damn commercial pain in the ass everywhere and not the best of times to be switching. I will announce again my desire to move and ask readers to share opinions on other companies.

And if HostGator was not screwing enough, at this second I am in a Live Chat trying to fix the double charge in my credit card for a domain name renewal.

And about the error message, if you get one, just go ahead and refresh/reload the page and it will show up.  Hopefully by February I shall be at a better Hosting Company.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

11 thoughts on “If you are seeing an error message…”
  1. Miguel, please let me know if you need some money to help with transition. I’ll be glad to help offset some of your costs. ewm

      1. I’ll second that. You are my first stop, every morning. That ought to be worth something.

        No tip jar, or am I missing it?

        (and I refuse to use paypal, so if you use that, I’ll even send you a check instead, if necessary…)

    1. I would go with AWS as well, understanding that you then will be running your own system and not just WordPress hosting. It would be great if you could hook up with Rob or Joe or LL and pool resources to set something up.

  2. For this I’d recommend siteground. Never go for the cheap option! For $15 per month you can get a great service. My hostgator stuff was always getting hacked no matter how I locked it down. Siteground just rocks.

    If you need help moving let me know. The duplicator plug in makes moving wordpress quick and easy.

    1. Depends on what you want it to do. My blog is powered by a little gem of an application called Octopress. It’s only a few thousand lines of code. The caveat though is usability. You have to be comfortable working in an offline text editor and also uploading graphics/videos manually (no web UI) to a host. It also requires command-line work to publish. There’s “plugins” but none of them are click-to-install. Download, edit parameters, test, commit.

      The upside is that it’s very secure and extremely hard to hack, since there’s no database connections, etc.

  3. Are you going to have room for my “reflections of an 07” ? I cant find me on your pge and I have updates. Regars

  4. I usually access your blog by clicking on the link on mine, and I’ve found that it loads better if I go to an article than to the top level. If that’s useful.

    If not, just reloading the page often helps. Host Gator is actually making more work for their servers by doing that, whether they realize it or not.

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