Almost half the illegal guns seized and traced in Boston last year came back to manufacturers and dealers in Massachusetts, a startlingly high ratio for a state known for its tough gun laws.

In 2013, Boston police seized 509 handguns, some used in homicides, others simply possessed illegally. Of those guns, police were able to trace 326 to their original point of retail sale. Forty-six percent of them were originally purchased legally in Massachusetts, said Anthony Braga, a senior fellow at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government who analyzed the data for the Boston Police Department.

“The part that is concerning to me is that we have really good gun laws here,” Braga told police and city officials from across New England gathered at Roxbury Community College Thursday. “I don’t know if it’s a temporary blip or a trend, but it’s something that needs to be understood.”

via More illegal guns traced to Mass., despite tough laws – Metro – The Boston Globe.

What needs to be understood? That the infamous Iron Pipeline of Gun Trafficking is another in a long line of BS created by the Gun Control Lobby and dutifully consumed by the Usual Fools?

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Illegal Guns from my Own Backyard? Unimpossible!”
  1. “I don’t know if it’s a temporary blip or a trend, but it’s something that needs to be understood.”

    Funny I’ve been following the ATF trace data for my and any other state that made “Iron Pipeline” claims since I first learned that they published the data.

    It must be about a decade’s worth of data I’ve looked at and its all the same. Most of the guns trace back to that state, and the “Time to Crime” number is greater than 10 years.

    Given that time-to-crime data, and the fact that several of my legally owned guns would trace back to states other than Massachusetts, I think the trend is pretty obvious.

    Criminals steal, straw-buy, or illegally borrow, and use their guns locally, and gun control laws have no effect on this.

    1. Your time to crime point brings up a good point, all these crime guns last year, when were they first sold? It said that NJ was a big source of crime guns till the 80s, because nobody wanted to put them on paper back in the 60s… the point is, time is slowly shaking all these guns out.

      1. There was one case recently in where the guns used in crime were bought not long before the crime, traced to both the straw buyer and the person that knowingly allowed the sale of such weapons and not criminal action has been taken except for a couple of fools:

        The Death of Border Patrol Agent Terry Brian- Fast & Furious Scandal.

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