The Family and Personal Protection Act is one long sucker and with some overbearing requirements. From what I read (and I am not a lawyer) it is trying to mix Shall Issue with May Issue but favoring Shall Issue strongly. Illinois Resident will need a FOID card to get their permits, it makes the data obtained private, It requires a minimum of four hours of training by a certified firearms instructor (NRA Instructor heavily mentioned which should make Antis go crazy) and a whole lot of other stuff.

I think the complexity of this bill is to simply calm down the worries of the Chicago Gang and other nannies afraid of “Wild West Shootouts” and “Blood On The Streets.”  Still not a bad compromise and if history is any indicator, if it ever becomes the law, it will be modified within 5 years in favor of Gun Owners.

If you have 10 to 15 minutes, you can read the text of the bill and if you feel like it, leave your opinions in the comments section.

Let’s hope it becomes law, warts and all.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

11 thoughts on “Illinois Concealed Weapons Law Introduced.”
  1. This looks more like may issue. If the local sheriff objects, the Department of State Police can take that as sufficient to deny the application. When it comes to Illinois, though, anything would be an improvement.

  2. Read a bit more. They have to say why they do not want to issue and must be within the parameters set by the law. Then it gets reviewed and if rejected, the citizen has to be notified and informed why and he has the chance to appeal.
    Grant you, it is idiotic but still beats nothing. I predict that if passed, that requirement will be one of the first things that will be eliminated in future Law upgrades.
    We are looking for the proverbial camel nose under the tent.

  3. Chicago kills more people in a year than probably ever died in “shootouts” in the actual “Wild West”. At least this would even the odds. Putting in writing the reason for denial will help keep the denials honest. None of this, “You are a woman, you don’t need to carry” or “I’m the king of this county” stuff like Iowa allowed.

    1. It is interesting to note that “Wild West shootouts” largely happened after being civilized and were, in fact, LEO actions rather than the oft touted “lawlessness”.

      The average modern, urban police drama is far more violent than than even the dramatizations of the Shootout at the OK Corral, never mind the actual shootout.

      As far as I am aware the only well authenticated quick draw gunfight was Hickok contesting the possession of his father’s watch.

      1. It was in the town square of Springfield, Missouri. At seventy-five yards, Dave Tutt tried out area fire, while Hickok took aim and squeezed off one shot that nailed Tutt in the heart. And yes, that is one of a handful of verifiable High Noon style gunfights.

  4. It honestly doesn’t matter what’s in the bill. Chicago and Quinn will try to kill it anyway. I personally don’t see any bill passing outside of litigation so ‘compromising’ w/ the collar counties doesn’t make me happy.

  5. The bill as written was compiled from several other states laws and if you read the whole thing, is pretty good.
    We need this law badly. As someone else said, the “wild west” was pretty tame compared to the south and west sides of Chicago these days.

  6. I’m hoping there will end up being some sort of reciprocity as well, it sure is a pain in the ass having to disarm at the border when I’m traveling to see the folks.

  7. Frankly I don’t believe that the “downstate” Democrats really care about this issue. The media claims they are gung ho for concealed carry because of the backlash they received over the civil unions law and the tax increase. In my opinion, if they really cared about concealed carry they could have included it as a rider in one of those bills. They know Quinn will veto this as soon as it hits his desk, and no Cook county politician will touch this with a ten foot pole. Its a safe issue for them to beat on without having to buck their party bosses.

    I agree with thirdpower, outside of litigation this has no chance of passing.

  8. There is some good stuff buried deep in there, that wasn’t in the bill that was withdrawn last fall (for falling 3 votes short of the supermajority needed to override home rule).

    For instance, if someone posts “no carry here”, and something bad happens, they can get sued.

    “Teh Panics!! Wild West Blood in the Streets!!” — I was in Madison, WI for a few days a couple weeks ago. (WI just got CCW.) I kept looking for blood in the streets. Never saw any. I dunno, maybe it rained, and washed it all away.

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