This was a segment from Morning Joe:

They want to form a free black ethnostate.

I suspect that they think it will be like Wakanda.

I know enough history to know that there were at least two black ethnostates created by freed slaves and free blacks, Liberia and Sierra Leone.

We all know what happened there.

Then there was the marxist ethnostate of Zimbabwe formed from the end of Rhodesia.

We can also add to this the recent autonomous zones in the US.

Creating a stable nation is difficult.

Militants creating one for self segregation is not a great foundation for a stable nation.

I’m willing to let these people try it.

I’m just not going to be surprised if it ends with war lords having subordinates chop off hands and shoot people.


I want to make this clear, my criticism should not be taken as racism.

As one commenter pointed out, the partition of India and Pakistan to create ethnostates and the formation of Palestine were exercises in violence and corruption.

Even the rise of Nazi Germany, another ethnostate happened with mass murder and political violence.

I can think of only one quasi-ethnostate that has existed without corruption and purges and that’s Israel.  And that is a quasi-ethnostate at best, bound by a majority common religion and not an ethnicity.

Ethnostates fail because the ethnic identity sepratism used to justify their formation is not enough to hold them together in stability.

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By J. Kb

22 thoughts on “I’m all for letting them try it – Update”
  1. The trouble is, creating a new nation-state out of whole cloth is a lot of work, and takes a LOT of planning. It’s not something that can be done on a whim.

    To start with, what are their goals? To have their own black nation, for sure. But what else?

    For example:

    What kinds of government do they want? Pure democracy, representative democracy, republic, monarchy … what? What laws will they need and want, and how will they go about creating/amending/repealing them? Who, if anyone, will enforce those laws and how?

    How will they set up their economy? Will private enterprise be allowed or will the government run everything? What kinds of skills and manpower will they have? What materials and resources will they have available, and how will they go about replenishing them as they get used up?

    What kind of trade relationship will they want with the Evil White People outside their nation-state? If none, as I suspect many will want, will they be able to produce everything they need inside? All the food, all the electricity and fuel? Will they have their own data network or will they decide to go without an intranet/internet? Going back to the last section, will they have the manpower, skills, and resources to maintain all that in perpetuity?

    And that’s not even touching on topics such as rights of the citizens, arbitration between citizens, education, medical and health care, taxes, elections (if applicable), and a million other things for which the government of any nation-state takes responsibility.

    I’d love to see them try, but unless they can see beyond “a black nation”, I fear it’s doomed to fail.

    And I fear that somehow white people will be blamed. Again.

  2. I wonder exactly where this state is going to be? And what the people already there are going to think about it?
    Maybe Panama and Colombia will give them the Darien Gap. See Michael Yon for details.

  3. Just like your average child. Deciding to do something without any idea how difficult it can be, and how many factors have to be taken into consideration.

  4. Surely this is satire.

    Really? They’re serious? They do realize that the vast majority of black people killed in this country every day are killed by other black people right?

    If they’re trying to reduce the body count, they’re fleeing the wrong people.

    1. Poe’s Law (paraphrased): Absent an emoji or other clear indicator of humor, it’s impossible to parody an extremist in such a way that someone won’t mistake the satire for the real thing.

      I’ve stopped trying to satirize the Left. Satirical humor happens when something normal is taken just a bit further than usual (but not too far), but the Left is so extreme as it is that you really can’t take it much further — certainly not far enough to make it funny. Thus, any attempt at satire is indistinguishable from the reality.

  5. LOL. I did a whole series on these guys over the last summer. He put up a fake video of himself doing stupid gun tricks like shooting smiley faces onto targets. He claims that he was in an Army unit equipped with M1A1 Abrams tanks that had a crew of 9 and can hit a target 100 miles away while moving 25 mile per hour. I can’t believe the press is legitimizing this asshole.

    Check it out.

  6. Just like Liberia was formed with freed slaves after the Civil War. Look how well that worked out. Not !

  7. Pakistan and Bangladesh should stand as the examples of carving out ethnostates from an existing nation. They are not positive examples.

  8. I’m okay with letting them try it.

    So long as anyone involved renounces their US citizenship and is never allowed back into the US, ever, for any reason.

    Heck, I’ll even chuck in some bucks for plane or bus fare.

  9. It’s important to remember that Gandhi — say what you will about him — was deadset against the partition of India into the nations of Pakistan and India. He was prescient about the violence that occurred after the partition and since…

  10. Wow, look at that preferential treatment. Armed to the teeth with evil “assault ” rifles, and not a peep about gun control. Guess that’s just for white conservatives. If they were doing a story about any other group, they would be portrayed as crazy racist and anti government.

  11. Just to throw in a sceptical question: while I agree that leftist ideology is not a basis for a successful nation, there still is the question: what IS a good basis?”
    A possible answer is a common language. That works for many countries in Europe. But Switzerland has four official languages and is quite stable — though Belgium has only two and is far less so. Germany shares a language with Austria as well as parts of Switzerland and Luxembourg, yet those are separate countries.
    Another is common religion. That doesn’t fit a lot of European countries like Holland or Germany (even ignoring the recent influx of Muslim immigrants).
    Yet another might be common culture. Maybe so, and it might explain why the left is trying so hard to demolish that culture.
    I think in plenty of cases the answer is “historic accident grown over years or centuries”. Again, Europe offers plenty of examples, where boundaries kept shifting for 1000 years or more before, more or less, settling down in the 1800s and somewhat more still in the 1900s. “Holland” has described two different forms of government (republic then monarchy) with at least three significantly different borders over the years.

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