By J. Kb

17 thoughts on “I’m just saying…”
  1. New York law is pretty clear and states that pedestrians are above vehicles when it comes to right of way. And that goes double when we talk about people using crosswalks which this moron left us proof he does not give a damn anyway.

  2. He’d deny it of course, but with his attitude, I’m sure he drives his car the same way.

  3. I’m absolutely certain that when there are no bike lanes, he obeys all of the rules of the road, stops for all traffic lights and stop signs, and never is rude to divers.

    Douche. One day he is going to do this to the wrong person, and that horn will get crammed up his ass.

    1. “One day he is going to do this to the wrong person, and that horn will get crammed up his ass.”

      Funny story, one of my former coworkers (thankfully, he has since retired) would ride his bike to work in the mornings and carried a briefcase. Rumor was (I only say rumor because I never saw it, but heard numerous people say they saw him do it) was that if he thought a car was too close to him in the mornings while he was riding, he would swing his briefcase at the cars headlight to give them the idea to back off.

      One day, guess who came into work with a very nice shiner….. It was pretty hard not to sit across a table from him during meetings and not laugh out loud.

      This was also the individual that would essentially get into work, and go straight to the bathroom, to give himself a paper towel wipe down before starting work. I learned when he usually came in so I could be as far away as possible from the elevators and bathrooms.

  4. I’m mixed on this. In some of these, he’s clearly in a bike lane and pedestrians need to not be wandering around those lanes without paying some attention.

    In others, yeah, I’m waiting for someone to clothesline him right off his bike.

    1. When I’m driving a car, I look out for pedestrians walking in traffic and do my best not to hit them. Sure, they “shouldn’t” be in the street, but Things Happen.

      I believe it’s actually the same for cyclists: they may have the right of way, but they also have the responsibility to not hit anyone.

  5. Like most cyclists I drive as well. It is frustrating when people walk all over bike lanes but I try and be a bit less of a jerk personally. Unfortunately some people have a very binary view of life and they associate every activity they partake in with an identity rather than just a function.

  6. We had a group of these “cyclists “ up here who would ride 4abreast on public roads and get mad at cars if they wernt 3 feet away. I used to go by them on my straight piped Harley in 2nd gear right wide open throttle…. about a foot away from em. Karhma will smack this ahole soon

    1. Yeah, the Critical Mass guys (who would clog up NYC streets with their bicycles) really used to piss people off the same way.

  7. I grew up in Holland, where bicycles are standard transportation tools.
    This particular video shows some bad behavior on the cyclist’s part, and some bad behavior from others.
    Pedestrians have no right to the bike lane any more than they have a right to the road. They belong on the sidewalk (when there is one) unless they are crossing. So on that aspect, he’s right and the pedestrians are wrong.
    On the other hand, pedestrians in the crosswalk have the right of way; when he failed to yield he is wrong.

    I’ve noticed that in the US bicyclists tend to ignore the fact that they are vehicle operators subject to the rules of the road, exactly as car drivers are. It starts when children are taught to ride on the side walk. Then some think they belong on the left side of the road as pedestrians are taught (when there isn’t a side walk). Last and not least, it’s extremely rare in my experience for bicycles to obey stop signs, traffic lights, or the requirement to signal turns. Any of these violations could get you a traffic ticket in Holland, where they do take this stuff seriously.

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