I’ve written about Charlotte Clymer in the past.

I hate Clymer with a fucking passion.  She is proof to me that the Left has infiltrated the military and is turning it into an anti-American institution.  Maybe not at the boots-on-the-ground level, but at the officer and high-profile level (Clymer did go to West Point but I do not believe she graduated from there).

This is from an interview about her desire to join the military:

I’ve disagreed with the invasion of Iraq from the beginning. I still believe it was completely unlawful. At the same time, I felt this desire to serve. I felt bad that there were 18- and 19-year-old folks my age who were fighting in Iraq and I was here at home not really doing anything in the way of public service.

The second thing, and this is pretty crude and critical too, is that I felt joining the military would cleanse me of my desire to be a woman. I was wrestling with the anxiety of being in the closet and I didn’t know how to get rid of it. I thought if I joined the military and go into infantry, some residual effect has got to be to erase whatever this desire is within me.

 In basic training, I was surrounded by mostly folks who joined because they just want to f*** s**t up — yes, they love their country, but a lot of them were there because they just want to go to war and shoot people. I mean that’s just real. So, that self-righteous core within me made me resist the troubling elements of basic training. It stayed with me throughout my service. There’s a difference between healthy male camaraderie, which is perfectly fine, and toxicity in male-centered environments. This was very toxic.

Her services, as far as I can find, was not combat deployment but was entire with the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) at Arlington.

Somehow all of these military Leftists seem to avoid actual combat but end up as parade officers, JAG, generals’ aides, etc., then tout their non-trigger pulling military experience as justification to take your guns away.

Now Clymer has done something that has ratcheted up my hatred for her to a new level.

This Tweet:

1. These Communist fucks hate private property when it’s your private property.  Remember that if your property is stolen inside the CHAZ/CHOP, it’s an “unintended donation” to someone less fortunate.  That this sits on private property is only deterrence to Conservatives who respect private property rights, and she knows it.

2. No Conservative has ever wrapped a chain around it and pulled it off its base.

3. This is the one that totally destroys me.  Lenin created the Gulag system in the Soviet Union.  The Gulags imprisoned and forced the labor from as many as 18 million people.  Prisoners were worked to death in some of the worse conditions imaginable.  The notorious Road of Bones, the Kolyma Highway, cost the lives of tens out thousands of prisons to dig and pave the road by hand in frozen  Siberia.  Around 10% of the gulag system population was killed every year.  The total number of slaves in the US was roughly 4 million.  There were more than four times as many Soviets in the slave labor camps of the Gulag system than all of the US.

When challenged on this fact, Clymer responded with this drivel.

Once again, we see the ugly reality of Leftist identity politics.

The Soviet Union used the Gulags to purge ethnic minorities in the Soviet Union.  Jews, Poles, Ukrainians, Saami, and others were targets for enslavement and extermination.  The Gulags were as much of an ethnic cleansing operation as Hitler’s holocaust.  One reason that is overlooked (besides American Leftists covering that up) is that so many people were sent to the Gulags that the ethnic cleansing was a drop in the bucket to the total deaths and imprisonments.

However, since the Left only judges things by skin color, the Soviet genocide is ignored because the victims are just as white as the perpetrators.

Furthermore, the Right has complained more about the desecration of Washington, Lincoln, and Grant statues than those of Confederates.

The reality is the Left isn’t destroying the Lenin statue and is destroying statues of our Founding Fathers and anti-Slavery Americans because they agree with Lenin and hate America.

I’m tired of trying to debate with these people.

The only arguments I have for people who defend statues of Lenin and defend destroying statues of Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln should be made 55 grains at a time.

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By J. Kb

10 thoughts on “I’m ready to start shooting communists”
  1. At this point, I’m willing to fund a kickstarter to bring back Joseph McCarthy. Barring that . . . the author’s option looks like it could well be a reality in my lifetime.

  2. The skirmishes have already begun. We have already seen the first shots of CW2. I will leave it to the historians to decide when exactly that was.

  3. ‘The Soviet Union used the Gulags to purge ethnic minorities in the Soviet Union. Jews, Poles, Ukrainians, Saami, and others were targets for enslavement and extermination.’

    Hey, hold your horses.

    They hated everybody equally, as the graves of one thoroughly decimated Russian branch of my multinational multiracial multireligios family would attest. Percentage wise, bolsheviks did almost as good a job on my kin as Hitler.

    Just a reminder: the top of the organizers of revolutions of 1917 were not Russians…

  4. Think Globally.
    Act Locally.

    Make sure your wish list is ready for the man in the red suit.

  5. She’s completely retarded.
    Gulag you say? Oh, i have a way worse fact for you. Rural workers in USSR get rights only in the 1974. You work in Kolkhoz? No right to travel for you. You can’t get internal passport at all. (in Russia / USSR there’s two passports – one internal, used as ID, and another – for travel abroad. The latter wasn’t available for vast majority of people until 1992). Want to visit city nearby? Get a paper for one time visit, from Predsedatel’ (director of Kolkhoz). There’s a reason, why sawed off rifle/shotgun has a nickname ‘death of predsedatel’.

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