By J. Kb

16 thoughts on “I’m waiting for the next shoe to drop”
  1. I sometimes wonder if the “news media” actually cynically understands the damage they are doing to the credibility of medicine and vaccines by continually going to Bill Gates for an opinion on the matter. Even the people I’ve met who don’t wildly distrust him are often baffled why he’s being interviewed.

    1. I’m starting at agree with AOC that it’s time to ban billionaires. Not because of income inequality or the politics of envy and shit like that.

      It’s that the money goes to their heads and they become sociopathic, micromanaging control freaks, thinking they are smarter and better than the rest of us and should run society.

        1. Very true. But if he was “Bill the college dropout making $45K a year” nobody would give a flying fuck about his stupid opinion when he posted it on Facebook.

          It’s only because he’s a billionaire that his opinion had gravitas with the media, Inteligencia, and elite.

  2. This seems to be part of the rollout of the new message, which is “there will always be a COVID pandemic”. We’ve already heard parts of this in the past day or two, with Biden saying that, one year from now, SOME people will be able to stop wearing masks and social distancing.
    (I guess “some” means “those who are not members of unions that we have to obey”.)

  3. The Common Cold is caused by various Rhinoviruses and Coronaviruses.

    Notice how we have never had a Common Cold vaccine, even though the Influenza Vaccine is usually only 25%-60% effective? The viruses are so mutated that there are too many different strains to design an effective vaccine.

    I fully expect the Chinese Coronavirus to mutate enough to render (some of) the current vaccines ineffective in the coming years.

    Why do you think the Chinese Biological Warfare researchers were researching these viruses? The same reason they research Tularemia and other diseases that are debilitating, but not highly fatal. It was designed to be persistent and debilitating, to sap the health of the enemy population supporting war efforts on the home front, and render combat troops ineffective because so many of them are ill and needing nursing. I am just glad the virus that escaped was not a final weaponized version.

    The big question is whether the Democrats will use the fear of mutated Wuhan Flu to drive the fear and extend the lockdowns in the Winter of 2021-2022.

    1. “The big question is whether the Democrats will use the fear of mutated Wuhan Flu to drive the fear and extend the lockdowns in the Winter of 2021-2022.”

      They’ll try, but I don’t think it will work. Biden & friends will be given a stiff middle finger from places like Florida and Texas, and other states will no doubt follow suit. Even blue states are getting spunky. My prediction is, this is effectively over by summer. Sure, you’ll still have soulless liberal doomers, addicted to the terror to the point of arousal, cowering in their homes and double masking when behind the wheel by themselves, but outside of large cities, those people are outliers.

      1. My prediction is, this is effectively over by summer.

        They can no longer blame the lock-downs on Trump. Joe Biden is President now, the Holy Savior of the Coronavirus War. Everyone knows he’s the second-most sainted man ever to occupy the Oval Office (the first, of course, was Obama), and nobody of such anointed esteem would ever continue the Bad-Orange-Man-era lock-downs.

        I’ll be surprised if it even lasts through spring.

        1. There’s a good reason why the MSM and the Democrats are keeping Orangemanbad in the limelight, with lawsuits, gotcha stories and like. They are fighting to keep people from noticing the senile old dude who’s actually technically in charge.

  4. Three shots instead of two, to cover the COVID variants, he says.

    Well, the first two don’t cover the variants, so the third magically will?

    This won’t increase public health or help end the pandemic.

    What this will do, is force the sale of 300 million more shots, from Big Pharma companies in which Mr. Gates very likely has a financial interest.

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