My kids love grilled cheese sandwiches.  American Singles between two pieces of white sandwich bread.  They are kids.

I love a grilled cheese sandwich too.  However mine is a little bit more adult.

Two slices extra sharp cheddar cheese, one slice extra sharp white cheddar cheese (Crackel Barrel brand is the best of the national brands), the sharper the better, done between two slices of sourdough bread.

Butter the outside of each slice of bread, assemble butter out, cheese in, and done on a skillet until melted and golden brown.

This is an acerbic grilled cheese.  A tangy cheese sandwich.

If you need a soup to go with it, I strongly recommend a half-and-half mix of tomato bisque and lobster bisque.

It all comes together perfectly.


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By J. Kb

13 thoughts on “Improve your grilled cheese game”
  1. I recommend Tillamook or Bandon cheddar if you can find it. I also do a sort of debased Croque Monsieur using Hawaiian bread, some honey roasted turkey breast and Swiss cheese

  2. I used to use Cobblestone’s Million Dollar White Bread until it became unavailable around here, now, after trying several different brands, I use Walmart’s ‘English Toasting Bread’.

    Don’t put the top slice on until the cheese has started to melt on the slice on the grill, and you’re nearly ready to flip the sandwich so the butter on the top slice doesn’t soak too far into the bread.

    1. Good idea. I’m going to remember that. I also sometimes cover the pan to help the heat build and melt the butter without burning the bread. Spicy brown mustard. I also used to use bacon grease instead of butter, for more flavor.
      And I always vote for Cabot sharp cheddar, either plain or mixed with something milder.

  3. What’s a nice yiddishe boy doing with lobster bisque?

    And what’s with the white bread and american cheese for the kiddies? Our kids grew up eating the same grilled cheese sandwiches we did–cheddar hand sliced from a block (Cracker Barrel was only one of the options–there are others), placed between slices of whole wheat bread, buttered on the outside, and “grilled” in a pan on the stove, or on a griddle. The accompanying soup has always been tomato. I can see sourdough bread being an improvement, but home-baked bread tends to be eaten too quickly to be around for sandwiches….

  4. Gruyere, emmentaler and some crispy bacon, on homemade parmesan pepper bread. Sourdough works too, of course, and nothing at all against cheddar. But I usually wind up melting that on the Snyders of Hanover sourdough hard pretzels.

  5. I do something very similar. And when I want a cheese burger all I do is peal open the finished product and slide in my burger with grilled onions and just like that, I have what I consider the best cheese burger known to mankind.

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