Maybe a wee bit too much. He is God, not your bodyguard. Hell even your Guardian Angels do not have that responsibility.

The sign on a Church door, sent to me by a reader.

via Love Zone or Target Zone?.

I love my wife’s church. The pastor not only allows guns but he carries himself. Poor the Evil soul that thinks he can do mischief in that congregation.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “In God We Trust…”
  1. “You shall not stand by [the shedding of] your fellow’s blood. [Do not stand by] watching your fellow’s death, when you are able to save him; for example, if he is drowning in the river or if a wild beast or robbers come upon him.” — Torath Kohanim 19:41; Talmud, Sanhedrin 73a (in an expansion on Leviticus 19:16)

    We all long for the day when we shall “beat our swords into plowshares,” but G-d repeatedly reminds us that doing so unilaterally is a mistake!

    In Sanhedrin 72a you’ll find the plainly stated rule, “If someone comes to kill you, kill him first.” If we are told by the Almighty to defend ourselves, then clearly we must possess the means with which to do so.

    The Lord is my shepherd, but he made us tool-using, self-aware apes and not grass-grazing, herd-minded cattle. David had a sling to find off wolves and Philistines. He saved the prayers and his harp for peacetime.

    1. I’m actually reading through Matthew slowly(half an hour every Sunday, and when I’m done with it I’m going on to Mark), and Jesus wasn’t all sunshine, flowers, and happiness.

      If you were someone he didn’t approve of, you had to be prepared for some SCATHING insults. And let’s not forget the money changers.

  2. And of course Illinois got concealed carry only after Mary Shepard was beaten to within an inch of her live inside of a church. Then she had to bring suit against the Illinois Attorney General and appeal the decision in state court to federal court. The rest as they say is history.

    And that Timmy is why we can carry in a church in Illinois unless, of course, they post the state mandated sign.


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