A Broward man’s Facebook postings have landed him in jail after federal authorities said he threatened to kill or harm President-elect Donald Trump.
Kevin Keith Krohn, 59, was arrested Thursday at his Pembroke Pines home after law enforcement informed the U.S. Secret Service agents who protect Trump about the postings.

“I’m just glad Obama didn’t take all our gunz! I see a good use for one now,” Krohn wrote online above a picture of Trump that read, “He’s not my president / He’s an enemy of the state,” agents wrote in court records.

Krohn posted his remarks in a thread of comments related to Trump’s holiday season stay at his Palm Beach home, according to court records.

Source: Facebook threats against Trump land Broward man in jail, feds say

The gentleman in question:

He has the Iñigo Montoya look going somewhat), but not the brains or morals. He is a two-time felon in the State of Florida (How come I am not shocked?) and it seems prison life was good to him. or at least free life has taken its toll:

And he is a registered Democrat:

Kevin Keith Krohn was born 24 October 1957 and he lives (or lived) at 8710 NW 10TH ST in Pembroke Pines, Broward County, Florida, U.S.A. His voter ID number is 114523771. He registered to vote 3 August 2006 and he is registered in the Florida Democratic Party. He is listed as White, not Hispanic.

Oh well. They are a fine group of people with love bursting out of them. I kinda feel bad for the Secret Service as they are going to be working overtime and dealing with more crazies than usual.


PS: I have just been informed in Facebook that I missed the obvious: The initials of the culprit are quite historically correct with the Democratic Party. Thanks Steve! 😀

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Iñigo Montoya Look-Alike Threatens the President Elect. Gets arrested.”
  1. Wait a second… He has felony convictions from 1983 and 1998, but registered to vote in 2006?

    Oh he’s a Democrat you say? Carry on, nothing to see here…

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