Anyone who actually watched the Rittenhouse trial with anything remotely close to an open mind cannot help but come to the inescapable conclusion that not just did the prosecutor not prove that Kyle is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt but proved that Kyle is innocent beyond a reasonable doubt.

An eye witness testified that one of the people Kyle shot has said “fuck you” to Kyle and grabbed at his gun before catching a couple of pedo repellent pills.

There was video shown in court of the other dead attacker hitting Kyle in the head with a skateboard before getting ventilated.

Lastly, one of the victims testified that he didn’t get his bicep “vaporized” until he pointed his loaded gun at Kyle first.

The evidence of self defense couldn’t be clearer.

Not on social media, however.

There, Kyle is guilty of being a mass murdering, sociopathic white supremacist who deserves every horrible fate imaginable.


Just black pills going down rough all day.

I don’t know what percent of American this represents buy what I can tell you is this:

There is absolutely no commonality I have with these people.


They have no interest in evidence.

For them, justice is purely a function of political alignment.

Kyle’s guit is assured because he was opposed to the rioters and therefore opposed to their politics.

This is how the Soviet Union, East Germany, and every Communist country in Asia and Latin America operated.

This is what they want here.  The justice system to be an enforcer of political ideology.

Those on their side have charges dropped regardless of evidence of guilt and those who oppose them are guilty regardless of evidence of innocence.

We cannot share a country with these people.

It’s impossible for two such divergent value systems to cohabitate in a single nation.

Unfortunately I think deciding which model of justice – impartial based in evidence or biased and partisan based on politics – is the justice system our nation uses will not be decided with it coming to blows.




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By J. Kb

14 thoughts on “Internet coverage of the Rittenhouse trial was doling out black pills like Purdue Pharma with Oxycontin”
  1. Well, they HAVE to, Jkb.

    If they admit they were wrong, well… then what else could they be wrong about?

    The woke are Always Right, in their minds. To contradict that is to strike at their very core.

  2. They seem to ignore the root cause of the problem. That the city was on fire and people’s lives were in danger because of people like them.

  3. This is but a daily reminder that Twitter should be shut down, it’s executives imprisoned, and it’s most vocal “blue checks” flogged.

    1. FIFY:

      This is but a daily reminder that Twitter should be shut down, it’s executives AND most vocal “blue checks” yeeted out of helicopters.

  4. I’ve read on other sites that most prosecutors wouldn’t have even brought charges. Maybe the weapon charge with him being 17 at the time. The self defense aspect in this case is so well documented with the videos available. The kid showed amazing restraint. I’ve watched most of the trial – the prosecution has spent most of the their time telling us (and the jury) that we aren’t seeing what we are really seeing. But we probably needed a trial to to affirm the masses that KR is not a murderer. Who knows if the DAs had vendetta or not. Whether they did or not, they failed to make their case.

    All the people JKb is referencing are the same people we have been dealing with for defund the police, BLM, antifa, etc…no surprise they have this opinion on KR. Agreed sharing a country with people who think like this is becoming increasingly difficult.

    Honestly, we may have it out as a nation within in 1-3 presidential election cycles. 2024, 2028, 2031. Look how they acted in 2016. Summer of 2020 emboldened them. We have alot of mistrust in the electoral process, and even though the leftists are the ones who cheat, when they cheat and still lose, do you think they are going to accept the outcome? I think we are in for very rough times.

    1. Re the weapons charge: read what Andrew Branca just wrote about that. The law says that under 18 may not possess a weapon, except that the limit is 16 with rifle or shotgun.

    2. “….we may have it out as a nation within in 1-3 presidential election cycles. “

      It will not take that long.

      I know not what the trigger will be, but I expect it to occur within no greater than 8-12 months. Something will set the Lefties off (might even be a Rittenhouse acquittal) and they’ll throw a tantrum; The Normies, or perhaps just enough of them, will look at that and decide “Y’know, we’ve had more than enough of your shit” and it’ll be Game On.

      Aesop has conjectured that America could run quite well with only 200 million people. We may get to find out if he’s right.

  5. “We cannot share a country with these people.”

    Good news, then. They don’t intend to share it with us. And they are quite serious about that. Whether Traditional America is equally serious remains to be seen.

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