Somebody in reddit asks about how to air travel with guns. 95% of the responses were right, lawful and insightful, but almost right at the top, we find this:
The “experts” were either morons or morons.
With so many places you can check for info, taking the word of anybody in a public forum on good faith is basically asking to have your colon examined by an inmate in jail or prison.
Since it was Reddit, I think we can be pretty sure that those people were trying to be funny.
If they were (which I doubt) they failed miserably. You can screw around on the old Mosin v AK v AR, but never on this kind of stuff.
I…Miguel knows where I work. Most of you should know, so no saying it.
Yes it will be caught. Yes I did catch it.
And it sticks out from the screen like crazy.
The best thing is to check with the airline you are flying. They will know what’s required such as cases and locks.