I was arguing a bit with somebody in the Twiterverse about the use of masks.  First he/she used the appeal to emotion to justify why should I be forced to wear a mask. It did not go well because after he/she informed me they were essential! medical workers who were already infected!(ZOMG) and she did not want them to die because people were not wearing a mask. I had to point to the obvious problem here: If they were already infected, the mask wasn’t much of help, right? he/she finally and somewhat admitted the mask is not perfect  (which is true, at best it may reduce the viral load projected by somebody infected and reduce some the intake for somebody not infected. Hell, I even conceded that in that protection sense, a face shield is better than a mask.

My final point was simple: They are trying to force an illegal mandate a medical prophylactic measure that is at best suspect but they are passing it as effective 100%. We are being sold a line of BS for political reasons, not health concerns and that is why I object to all this effing Health Theater.

His/Her reply?

And it was accompanied by a meme and not a good one.

I concocted a couple of obscure memes of my own as reply.

The first one is a well known and recognized doctor from the middle of the 20th century who studied many sicknesses and human anomalies in subjects according to the law: Josef Mengele.

The second one is also done with the full support of the government, the US government:  Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment.

So, sorry if I have a natural allergy to blindly obey health mandates from government. History has proven them rather deadly  when they put their mitts in the process.

And here is the kicker: I do understand that I have comorbidities that can make me not enjoy a bout of Wuhan V so I do wear a mask and stay the fuck away from people (I have been doing that for a long time, anyway) but because I made the informed choice to do so and not because they are gonna send cop after me if I don’t so.

That is the whole crux of the matter for yours truly.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “It is not the mask they love, it is the mandate.”
  1. A while ago it was -masks work! Wear one! Now its covid is spiking!!! We gotta do somthin!!! Sssooo masks work??? Another nail in the democrat coffin. Sick of it tired of it. Time to move on.

      1. Likely — but didn’t they oppose water boarding?

        A niece went to Disney World, and asked if I was planning on going anytime soon. I told her not until the COVID idiocy ends, because I don’t want to be water boarded on Splash Mountain.

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