By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

18 thoughts on “It is official: We have Guns and Ammo Panic”
  1. Fukkinn stupid. NONE of this happened in 2010 with swine flu( aptly named as obammy was in charge). Really sad how We the People allow this lunacy to persist. Most of us I know are well prepped. Luv how cheaper than dirt aint. Imagine if this was a REAL crisis….

    1. Let’s also not forget that the swine flu infected some 60 Million people in the US, some 300K needed hospitalization, and over 18,000 died. Yet, the news media did nothing but heap praise on the lightbringer.

      First axiom of politics applies. None of this panic would be flamed by the media if the political party affiliation of the man in the White House as different.

    1. A lot of powder is a real bitch to find. American made, doesn’t seem to be a problem, but many of the popular flavors are made in Australia, Canada, & Europe. We hear it is a issue with how much is allowed to be transported at one time.

  2. or you could just keep an inventory. Not that hard to keep a few cases of ammo on hand…

  3. I remember when Lower than Dirt came out against the ‘evil black rifles” under Obongo, and have never had any use for them since. They can all go piss up a rope.

  4. SGAmmo here in OK isn’t taking new orders until they can get their backlog somewhat caught up and inventory restored.

    This started out busy because it’s an election year and ALL the Evil Party candidates want to ban all the things; now throw in the Wuhan crap…

  5. I swore I’d never buy any thing from ctd when the pulled the same crap during the 22lr shortage and I haven’t. I don’t even look at their website. I take old copper pipe and hammer it into 308 cases before I buy anything from them.

  6. Meh. Yet another “ammogeddon.” :::shrug:::

    If you didn’t learn from the previous 4 or 5 then there’s no hope for you. LOL!

  7. Just popped over to CTD’s website… If you think their ammo prices have been jacked up ….check out the guns. I’ve bought stuff from them. Not anymore! I guess the new gun buying Dems won’t know the difference.

  8. Ummm, Y’all couldn’t also circled the OOS. If they list a price higher that you want to pay then don’t buy it, sheesh.

    Full disclosure: I have boatloads of ammo and it was done dirt cheap.

    Same deal with buying guns. Shoulda bought while the buying was good.


    1. There’s a good reason that “price gouging” is generally seen as a generally stupid thing to do during times of emergency.

      Forget the legality or morality of the issue- the blow to a company’s reputation is bad enough, the one Oh S#!+ to wipe out years & years of expensive advertising.

      Even if one argues that price gouging ensures a supply of essentials during panic situations, that too is offset by a lot of the resentment generated by having to pay that price.

  9. “Full disclosure: I have boatloads of ammo and it was done dirt cheap.”

    And by that I mean I bought when the price was low. I don’t buy anything from CTD.

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