Please explain to me again how if we keep behaving nicely and asking pretty please we will not be subjected to abuse.
Where a Hispanic Catholic, and a Computer Geek write about Gun Rights, Self Defense and whatever else we can think about.
Please explain to me again how if we keep behaving nicely and asking pretty please we will not be subjected to abuse.
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.
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This is a good example of how the dems are trying to unite us, together in a rice paddy planting rice.
Although this is consistent with how GoDaddy has deplatformed other sites in the past, I’m not so sure in this specific instance. still resolves, and the main domain redirects to the backup.
“whois” reports that was last updated by GoDaddy half an hour ago (21:28 Z today). So that might mean they were beaten up hard enough to undo their censorship.
@pkoning, GoDaddy is both a Domain Name Registrar, Domain Name Service, a Hosting Service and a VPS provider.
From what I can gather, the GoDaddy Hosting/VPS end said “no” to If the Domain Name Service is still live, and it likely is, ARF can update their DNS records. It would not surprise me to learn that they are in the process of transferring their domain name to a different provider.
@WallPhone, the fact that still resolves doesn’t really mean anything. That could dump into a CDN or it could actually go to a different site entirely. I know of sites that have a simple WordPress site running on something like godaddy or hostgator but the “store” is run off of Shopify. For most people, you can’t really tell.
Do they understand how they are radicalizing people? Or do they not care?
They do not. I saw someone argue that the growing counter-culture of white-supremacy (which is a direct response to it being demonized and censored so broadly) is evidence that it’s not being censored hard enough.
Second City Cop is not available.
I wonder if AOSHQ will be available next week.
I hope that Trogolodyte has your site bulletproofed.
Tech and Media should be #1 GI. #1
“Please explain to me again how if we keep behaving nicely and asking pretty please we will not be subjected to abuse.”
This was never true, and never will be. Islam get respect because they kill people. Antifa get respect because they kill people. BLM get respect because they kill people.
We don’t kill people, and we don’t get respect.
I don’t know, but if I were a cut throat business type, I’d be starting services in Russia or China, or somewhere that these fools don’t control.
It won’t be long before services and CC processors pop up like daisies.
They are leaving money on the table.
Just went to, general discussion is still up and shitposting. They must have fixed the problem.
They are running the backup site and prepping the migration.
been meaning to do this for a while…
just moved all of my domains (2 dozen) off of godady, and on to Epik.
owner of the latter is apparently very pro-1A/2A/Conserviative/Constitutionalist.
Both the primary and backup domain names point to the same places, so it seems from what I can see here that GoDaddy backed off.
That said, I notice that the addresses (all 3 of them) reverse translate to amazonaws names. In other words, just like Parler they are hosted by Amazon, and are similarly at risk of being black-holed at Bezos’s whim.