One way of quantifying the intensity of a girl fight is, is by how many tittes get knocked out of a boob tube or halter top (the uniform of the girl brawler).

Miami Beach during Spring Break never fails to disappoint.

This was a two-and-a-half titty fight.

I’m so glad I don’t live there anymore.

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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “It was a two-and-a-half titty fight (warning)”
  1. Africa in our midst. I knew when I read the headline. Yeah I’m a racist. I hate barbarians, whatever their ethnic makeup.

  2. Unpossible.

    I watched that whole video, and there wasn’t a single heavily-armed male white supremacist — the most violent and dangerous demographic on the planet, I’m told — to be seen anywhere.

    This is obviously a propaganda piece from white supremacist filmmakers trying to make the noble and blameless female BIPOC population look bad.


    As an aside, why is the camera guy at these things always saying, “Oh, s#!t,” every time a titty busts loose or a particularly hard blow lands? Are there just hundreds of males making videos with their phones and saying “Oh, s#!t,” all the time?

    1. I couldn’t watch the whole thing, but I didn’t hear anyone yelling “Worldstar, bitches, Worldstar”.

  3. There seems to be one common denominator in all violence shown on the news. 3 guesses? 1 guess?

  4. There’s a reason why I lived in Florida for about 9 years, almost 3 in the Miami/Ft. Lauderdale area, and spent a grand total of about 90 minutes on Miami Beach/South Beach. Not a chance I’d go anywhere near that shithole right now. The closest I want to get is watching Miami Vice reruns.

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