Yesterday I wrote a post about Ted Wheeler’s disgusting speech in which he blamed Trump for every bit of violence and misery in Portland, and how factually wrong he was.

Apparently Biden’s handlers loved it with the intensity that a Hollywood film festival producer loves a movie about twerking 11-year-olds.

The speech that Biden gave yesterday was Wheeler’s speech, writ large.

It is the Democrats, who for twelve years have been pushing identity politics and racial grievance-mongering, but Trump is dividing the nation on race.

The riots and violence have been in exclusively Democrat-controlled cities in almost universally democrat controlled states, with the rioters chanting Leftist slogans, but it’s Trump causing the violence.

The Democrats ignored the Coronavirus because the Russian collusion hoax impeachment was too important, then attacks Trump’s travel bans for being xenophobic and encouraged people to go to street festivals or be accused of racism, and to this day, the majority of Coronavirus deaths are in Democrat-run states, but the mishandling of the Coronavirus was Trump’s fault.

The Democrats used the Coronavirus to crash the economy when “15 days to slow the spread” turned into six months and the goalposts have been moved from “flatten the curve to prevent our hospitals from being overrun” turned into “not one more new case,” but the current state of the economy is Trump’s fault.

Every single thing Biden said is diametrically opposed to reality.  It is 180 degrees from the truth.

George Orwell is blushing at the bald-faced lies in that speech.

There is only one word to describe something that dishonest: evil.

What Biden did yesterday was 25 minutes of evil.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Joe Biden is Ted Wheeler magnified on the national scale”
  1. Spot on. If I didn’t know this was *reality* I would think that this is a very poorly written movie that nobody would go to…

  2. Special effects are amazing these days- it almost looks like he’s actually giving a speech in person!

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