Portland has had 90 consecutive days of protests and civil disturbances, as of last week more than 13 of those events were declared to be riots by Portland Police.

Mayor Ted Wheeler has totally lost control of his city.

Antifa has on multiple occasions tried to burn down the federal courthouse, generating a response from the federal government that Wheeler blamed for the violence in the city.

President Trump offered Portland assistance dealing with the mob that now controls downtown Portland and is attacking residential areas and Wheeler made a big show of telling Trump to piss off on city letterhead.

Then the mob went to Wheeler’s condo and started shit in the lobby.

Then on Saturday, Portland had the dishonor of having the first explicitly politically motivated murder of the 2020 election cycle.

There may have been other incidents of political violence, and murder has gone up in Democrat-run cities where the police are defunded and hamstrung, but this is the first murder in this election cycle were one person was shot and killed due to their political affiliation by someone from the opposing political affiliation.

That is some shit that is not supposed to happen in this country.  We’ll cuss and scream at each other.  Recently there’s been pepper spray.  But in America, we do not shoot each other over politics.  That is a line we do not cross.  The last time we crossed it any significant way, it ended with over 600,000 Americans being killed.

Finally, this forced Mayor Wheeler’s hand.  He had to do something about it, so today he hosted a press conference.  It was a fucking embarrassment.

He repeatedly blames Trump and Trump supporters for the violence and social unrest in the city.  He claims that Trump tacitly and openly supports political violence.  The violence that has been overwhelmingly and almost exclusively from the radical Left.  The violence that Trump has condemned and offered to send federal law enforcement to help quell.

If you watch this press conference, you’d think that a convoy of Trump supporters drove through Portland randomly shooting at minorities, when it was, in fact, a Leftist who shot a Trump supporter and Leftists who have set fires and smashed businesses.

The mayor blames Trump and national level politics for the violence in Portland, taking no responsibility whatsoever for anything that goes on within his city.

Then he states his  ultimatum: “I’d appreciate that either the president support us or he stay the hell out of the way.”

I’m not sure what that even means.  After blaming Trump for Leftist violence he belligerently asks for Trump’s support, but only in the way that Wheeler wants.  My guess would be that Wheeler wants federal law enforcement to only go after Trump supporters and ignore Antifa.

This was a ridiculous show from a mayor who is clearly resentful that Mayor de Blasio is the worst mayor in America and wants to claim that mantle for himself.

The city’s least worst option for mayor is a dickless shit-weasel who lets radical Leftist anarchists and Communist Revolution LARPers destroy his city for months on end because his is ideologically sympathetic to them, then blames the President when one of the President’s supporters is murdered by one of the mayor’s ideological compatriots.

I know faithful reader Ish lives in Portland, and Kershaw knives is based out of that city and I am a huge fan of their made in Amerca blades (it’s been a dream of mine to go to their annual warehouse sale), and I’m sorry for this, but after this shameful display, Portland can go straight to hell.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Ted Wheeler can eat s**t and go to hell, what he did was unconscionable”
  1. Portland’s citizens must be like DV victims, broken to their abuser’s will.

    If our mayor acted like that he’d be lucky to escape town with his ass intact.

  2. Never blame yourself or your team. The liberal way
    Wonder how much longer the Americans stuck there will continue to put up with it. We the People have been living our lives in America and not gotten involved in politics. We WILL need to get involved from the local town we live in all the way to the President. Libs have had 50 plus years to insert themselves everywhere and We the People must be involved in rootin em out.

  3. The mind of a child at work.

    It was so simple three months ago. Let the protesters get it out of their system, and you are good.
    Then it dragged on, and the protesters started to attack Federal Buildings. So, the Feds came in to protect the taxpayer’s investments. And because the violence did not stop, it was the Fed’s fault.
    So, the child demands the Feds leave. And, they do, but the violence still did not stop. Which means it is the implicit hatred and divisive politics of the President that is to blame. After all, if he was not such a rampant racist, George Floyd would still be alive, peace would be universal, and Ted Wheeler would be elevated to godhood status.

    It is never the child’s fault.

    As to the President’s support, that just means send money.

  4. It’s not so much “Portland can straight to Hell,” as it is “Portland is already mostly There.”

    I guess that’s just what happens when you vote democrat for decades on end (just ask Detroit how well that works out).

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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