I can’t simply stomach this new normal. This video hit me in the sense that there were people knowing it was going to happen, but staying silent; no warnings, not even a lamentation for what was about to occur. And then it was cheering and celebration for the deadly force attack to an innocent & unsuspecting person. They wanted it, supported it and enjoyed it. They were accomplices. Maybe not in the legal sense, but morally.

And probably is the same people that is calling us “sick” because we are happy the Kyle Rittenhouse was able to defend himself from several attackers.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

11 thoughts on “Savagery: Acceptance and Celebration”
  1. It’s not entirely clear from the text on the original tweet, but I am guessing that the person posting this approves of what happened.
    Either way, though, “white lives do not matter” is the corollary of “black lives matter”. This is why the rioters object so much to “all lives matter”; it exposes the fact that their aims are racist.
    Meanwhile, it seems that Twitter’s “standards” don’t consider this tweet objectionable. No surprise, but telling.

  2. Hate doesn’t have a home here.
    Love Trumps hate.
    War is peace
    Freedom is slavery
    Ignorance is strength

    We are at war. Take all steps necessary to safeguard that which is yours to protect

  3. Situational awareness. Practice it, be aware of what’s going on around you at all times, especially when you’re in public.

    1. “Head on a swivel.”

      The video suggests a 360-degree sweep every 4 – 5 seconds would be a good idea … note and mentally tag where everyone you see is.

      Doable … but you will tend to stand out when you do it, because most people don’t look around that much.

      1. Read “Left of Bang” Makes exactly that point. Being too aware distinguishes you from the average person, thus makes you a target.

        However, better to be aware than not. Officially, in my opinion, it has gone from yellow to an orange/red.

  4. Yep. Constant situational awareness has never been more critical.

    And the words “conceal carry everywhere” should be your mantra, specially if you live near one of the commietard hot spots.

    1. …unless, as Defensive Training Group reports has happened in SE Michigan, commietard hotspots have been reconnoitering your area, and are now implementing their plans to loot, pillage, assault, and burn.

      Then, even in “safe” areas, swivel and pack. Daily.

  5. Something about this does not exactly seem correct to me. Why? That’s the real question. Why hit “this” guy with a brick? The rest of the street seems rather quiet, no protest or unrest in the video. There is not enough preceding information to know whether there was a confrontation between the two people earlier.

    Generally, people do not just smash people in the head with bricks because of skin color. Yes, I know it happens, and these days it is a lot more believable, but… human nature tells me that most people need a reason to do something. The knockout game was a reason. Gang initiation is a reason. (Stupid reasons, but a reason.) Getting back at someone after a confrontation is a reason. Because they are white is not a reason that will motivate your average person.

    Assigning a political motive right out of the gate is understandable, but perhaps not warranted in this situation.

    1. Good points. A few thoughts…

      First, as you note, this video – like most, it seems – doesn’t provide good (any, really) context. That said…

      The guy walking across the street doesn’t seem to be hurrying, nor is he looking backwards on occasion. That suggests there was no preceding confrontation involving him, otherwise he would hopefully have been behaving a little differently.

      The body language of the person with the brick suggests he was trying for a combination of speed and stealth … not inconsistent with just having been in a confrontation with the man hit, but not really consistent with it either. The soundtrack suggests that the recorder, or people immediately around, wanted this to happen, or at least were amenable to it.

      I would thus assign, based solely on what’s in the video, the highest probability to “for the hell of it” in terms of motivation. Basically, a step-up of the knockout game.

      1. I think you’re right. And just like the knockout “game” this is a case of attempted murder, and needs to be punished as such.
        In addition, as the comments on the tweet point out, it is likely that the video person is an accomplice before the fact (and thus in civilized states also guilty of attempted murder).

  6. Poor situational awareness on “whitey”. IMO typical for citified people. Sad. I live and work in one of the “safest states”- I spend the day hyper alert and carry TWO guns. And I stay away from people.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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